
Wednesday 27 October 2004

The lads...

So, what have I been up to this past week I hear you all ask?
Well no, I don't hear you asking, because you all know I've been sitting in front of Uber drooling at it's awesomeness.
Well then, I hereby declare you all to be wrong :)

Ok well, not entirely wrong as Uber has been awesome and I've been playing with it a lot. But I have been doing other things.
Friday marked the end of school for Mid-term/Halloween, so me and the lads decided to go out and celebrate by doing the typical Irish thing. That's right, we went to the Pub ^_^
And I must say, it was great craic even though I don't drink (I know, I'm a walking contradiction).

From left to right: G, Ryan and Cric (That means Chris)

The day was also a celebration of G's birthday

G, looking rather happy.

Ryan, blatently wanting to do me

Cric, rather drunk.

Ryan and Cric. They do eachother regularly.
Cric got very drunk. Well they all got very drunk, apart from the ones who left early (not pictured), bur He was the worst.
To give an example of how drunk he was, he was sitting opposite me at a table. Thinking he wasn't that Drunk, he decided to get up and go for a few more shots. He fell over 3 times before he got past me.

All in all, it was awesome and in fact, it was so awesome we've decided to do it once a month from now on ^_^

Tuesday 26 October 2004

Wednesday 20 October 2004


I'm just updating this mainly to let you all know that I'm alright....and to apologise...
I was perhaps a little hastey when I wrote that last one, but rather than try to defend my actions I'll just say I'm sorry now. I could never cut you guys out, you all mean a hell of a lot to me, just right now I need a lot of time to myself, my head hurts thinking about all sorts of things. Oh and I seem to have caught a nasty dose of the flu so that's not helping. But one thing is helping: Uber!
It arrived last Sunday when I came home from work (Well I'm not sure exactly when it arrived to the place it was being originally delivered, but I got it on the Sunday) so I've been playing on it lots, it seems to help for a while. I've even been playing renegade and renalert under a different guise (Don't bother to go looking for me It's a name you'll never guess plus I don't play much).
Once again, I'm sorry for worrying you all so much, I'll be back eventually I just don't know when.

Thursday 14 October 2004

I've had enough

That's it, I've decided, I've had enough. IT's over, I'm going to fuck off now, but before I go let me say a few things

I'm so fucking stressed out you all have no idea, you all seem to tihkn I'm some happy Irihs kitty that doesn't ahve problems, that everything's peechy for, you all expect me to always be happy and never get upset or depressed or whatever, because any time I do, the likes of Toxin DIVE on me and tell me I'm just trying to get everything MY way. How fucking pathetic.

I'm tired of this, I'm sick of always trying to be nice for everyone only to have them go fuckypoo at you for having a fling with their girlfriend, after all I do love her with all my heart and really only went to leeds so I could flirt with her and try to fuck her, so I could break you two apart, because that's JSUT the guy I am. I mean it was nothing to do with the fact that really I'm fucked up in the head and tend to go a little crazy when I'm in unfamilliar surroundings with people I don't really know, I mean if that was the case, then I'd stick to whichever felt most familliar, or if it got really bad go for a nice long walk by myself, but that didn't happen at all....

Oh and I have lots and lots of regrets, yeys for me, I love how I was once so pussy wupped I was ready to accept a kid I'd never even heard or seen before as my own, yeah I get a real kick of having that slapped in my face by a (former) really good friend, it was totally awesome, like 10million hot dogs awesome. w00t.

Yeah, oh then what really made it cool was how that person didn't think for even a SPLIT second that perhaps he'd went too far and should ahve stopped, nooope, he though it would be fun to just keep rubbing it all in, like salt into an open wound. double w00t.

Now why am I being so pissy? is it because of this shit alone? You'd probably like to think that, you'd probably like to remember me as some shallow minded prick who always wants his way, but there' OH so much more to all this.
Like how the BQfH is doing her old shit again, wuppe had a nice bog row today with her and everything. Oh and how about school? that's also fun, having all sorts of teachers coming after me, giving me saturday detensions for shitty things like being 5mins late. Oh and my formal! How could I forget about that! no less than 14 people including myself are going to meet up at a certain house and get 2 limos to the place, when I told my dad this he ASSURED me that he knew a guy that could get us them nice and cheap. Of course he took his sweet fucking time about it and now it's too late to actually book a single limo so there's now 13 very pissed off people wanting to do nast things to me. At least they will when they find out. Triple w00t.

Oh and there's so much more I would love to have got off my chest before, but I can't because the second I do I get shit like this:

[19:38:56] Kushan: Goog: I'm just so fucked off with everything I don't care
[19:39:13] fanic2001@ho: You sound UNBELIEVEABLY like Nozzy.

That was my good friend Toxin there, proving he really doesn't give a fuck about his friends feelings. Awesome.

So to that end, I've had enough of it all. I'm going, this time it's perminant. I ahve no intension of ever coming back to any of this shit, to any of you people.

So please by all means go ahead and post anything you want about me, I wont be reading it. and if you think you can come after me and try to stop me or bring me back - good luck, I wont be even using the same email addy any more, my new computer will be here so soon, so I'm gonna use it as a new beginning kinda thing, start afresh and all that so I don't fuck any more of you over, oh and so you can't do the same to me :)

Oh and to shut toxin up, because I KNOW he'd love to tell me that I'm just seeking some attension, here you go, a nice little gift:

Pass: Dragon

Pass: Dragon

The passwords to my now defucnt emails! I'm sure it wont be long before someone screws with them, now even I can't come back if I want to .

So to everyone I'v ever knew in THIS online life, that includes jfk, toxin, stocky, DB, spinky and all - GOODBYE!

To all whom it may concern....

I have been VERY pissed off lately, I've got problems left right and centre which NONE of you know about because I don't post about them here, nor do I tell many poeple about them because I don't bitch and whine.
That said, I'm more pissed off about shit in general than I have been for a fucking long time, so if I seem a bit pissy with you, that's why.

Accept it or not, I don't actually give a fuck what any of you think right now.

Wednesday 13 October 2004


I hate having to defend myself on my own journal, people just don't have the common decency to allow commenting on thier own. Possibly because too many people would tell them they're wrong....

Who is right and who is wrong?

You can all decide who the hell is right in this argument
Toxin is being an immature pirck and has gone way too far, Kushan deserves an apology
Kushan is being stupid, blowing this out of proportion and being a "pussy*
This Poll by Kushan
Click here to view results

Summary of the story:
Toxin and Kushan were having a nice friendly joke, throwing various insults at eachother, nothing new being used as anything mentioned had been mentioned to several others before hand, when Toxin decides to use something that he knows may make Kushan feel shitty, something that he knows Kushan deeply regrets and would rather the world moved along and forgot about it and then doesn't have the common decency to admit that he may have just went too far.
Now of course that's my opinion of it, but don't feel that I'm possibly being biased, by all means go and read toxin's point of view and decide for yourself, then cast your vote on the poll to end this once and for all because I'm already sick of his prancing about it.

I hate to do this, but it must be done..

"No the part about his stupid online-'son' is even mentioned in his journal, of course he goes on to deny this and say it was part of a private conversation and other bullshit, when the pussy has no offences left, the pussy hides."

For a start, I blocked you BEFORE that conversation even happend, so that last remark is void.
Also, I NEVER ONCE SAID IT WASN'T PUBLIC INFORMATION. If you had been PAYING ATTENTION to what I was saying, what I was referring to was the thing with you and the Gay bar, I am almost positive I posted it here once before and you didn't have a problem with it, so thus it was public information and yadda yadda yadda. Stop reading what you WANT to read.

"You see Pussy, you mentioned ONE THING about me that was actually public information, and the rest was had in private conversation between the two of us, conversations which should have stayed between YOU and ME"

Now this is also a misconception, anything I used was made public at some point, either in some random journal entry or on a forum or whatever, or at least was something that you wouldn't give a shit about people knowing, unless you're concerned about your sexuality or something.

"But the Pussy follows no social standards, and in his blindingly stupid rampage of mock offense manages to over look the fact that everything I used to insult him had been made public material, everything except ONE thing that was used relating to me was PRIVATE."

"Should it be the one of us who tried to keep the whole thing on DDR, who did not throw fuel on the fire, and who had privacy and trust tossed in his face, and who only used public information, information made public by the pussy itself, as the basis for 'insults' which were mere statements of fact."

Yes, everything you used to insult the whole DDR me where I posted that in public, pelase, becase I must have hit my head at some point as it's a total blank to me.

EDIT IN AFTER: Also the inflatable sheep called dolly, which is public knowledge tha tHe's taking to a formal.

Once again this is not public information, show me what journal or forum I posted that in.

Oh and I should point out, look at what's at the bottom of this post! THE COMMENT BUTTON!
That means you can ACTUALLY VOICE AN OPINOIN ON THE SUBJECT and not leave me to feel smug because I got the last word, which means I'm right since nobody can reply to tell me otherwise.... :)


We all make mistakes in lfe. It's not like we're perfect, in fact thinking that you're perfect is a flaw in itself.

We make some pretty big mistakes in our lives, some which you can't believe you did, some you just want to pretend never happened. Some REALLY big ones we just want to wish away into nothingand just don't think about them.

I'm sure all of you reading this have something in the back of your mind you want to change, something you would do differently if you could, something that everyone knows about maybe and you're just glad they're smart enough not to remind you of it because it makes you feel so shitty.

Yeah......most people anyway....

You know it occured to me, I don't post in this much because I'd only be posting bad shit and don't want the whole "omg you're acting like nozzy, stop being an attension seeking prickkkk!" thing, but I also don't want to make private entries because I have nothing to hide from anyone, i'm happy to let people read through my life, I'm just an open person.

So that leaves me in a bit of a dilema, to post or not to post...

I would prefer to post lots of stuff, typing it down helps me get it off my chest, but I don't want to seem like Nozzy, who is just doing the same I guess....

I might just get a second Journal, one where I put all my rants and stuff, that way people can willingly choose to read it and thus can't bitch at me because they know what they're letting themsleves in for. But then what's the point of having a SECOND journal, isn't that the whole POINT of having ONE in the first place?

Your opinoins are welcome, as usual....

Tuesday 12 October 2004

Oh my god...




While browsing a forum I aint posted on in quite some time, I noticed my sig hadn't changed in like a Year, and it has an Old n00b list on it!

N00b list
Thai-kick - Dumbass
Nozzy - Not much of a n00b, more of a....bastard
Aircraftkiller - Bastard thought it would be funny to pretend to quit
Dante - Bastard quit
MadHQ - n00b, spams a bit as well
TwiX-=[U N]= - Made some bullshit comments
Darkblade - He's a moderator, we're ment to hate him 
Vladivostok - Continues with the n00bishness...
Vlad06 - C'mon, do I need to explain why he's here?

God that made me feel nostalgic....


Yeah, today sucked too, this just builds up...

I need Uber....uber will make it all ok....

I jizzed lots today looking at HL2 movies.......

Monday 11 October 2004

Shit fuck cunt cunt fuck shit

I had one of those know.....where everything pisses you off.....

See, I had to go to a funeral for an old family friend. She was a cool person, always treated me like a grandson even though we're not related at all.
But her family sucks, they always mooched off her and shit like that.
But ANYWAY, day of the funeral and I was there with my dad and BQfH, and all they did was Btich bitch bitch...

"Oh noes, t3h coffin l00ks terrible!"
"The service was a farse!"
"The priest didn't even know her!" (Actually if they'd listened the priest said "I'd known Iris for about 10 years,but I haven't seen her in the last 5"...stupid cunts)
"I bet they all [Her sons] start fighting over her house"

and on and on and on...

Even when we moved from the Funeral place to the Grave yard, we somehow managed to get there before they did (Possibly because it's a Hearse...and doesn't move very quickly) and they started bitching at that

"I don't believe it, they're gone already! Don't they have any respect?!"

Then like 2mins later they arrived...

"Well they took their sweet time, I don't know why they're bothering now"

Jesus fucking Chrsit, I got that ALL...FUCKING...DAY!!!
I'd far rather have my balls nailed to the mast of a sinking ship than listen to those two bitch about everything ¬_¬

Oh and to really piss me off, to really rub it in, THEY FUCKING WENT TO MCDONALDS LATER ON!! RGIHT BESIDE A PERFECTLY GOOD BURGER KING TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Jesus, after ingesting that shite, I felt so dirty I even installed AIM when I went home (If you're gonna sin, you may as well do it right). But luckily I found something much it's not AIm, well not quite, it's more like Trillian, except not shit. It even let me log into MSN when it was acting like a whore earlier (Which also didn't help my mood).


Uber better get here soon, my wall can't take much more¬_¬

Sunday 10 October 2004







Oooops...I appear to have sp00jed my pants at the thought of it......

EDIT: Download this song, I really like it for some always reminds me to keep going and never give up....
And yes, you did read that domain correctly ^_^

Thursday 7 October 2004


I'm kinda pissed off, my dad threw out my coaster today.
I liked that coaster, the grime and dirt on it that accumulated over the years truly showed off everything that AOL stands for...but no, he has to be all Hygenic and shit...
On a brighter note, he varnished my Desk thing while I was at school, so it's all nice and clean and sexy looking for when Uber arrives ^_^

Speaking of which, it supposedly takes 5 - 14 days for delivery.

It was ordered on Tuesday, so 5 working days on places it at next tuesday at the earlist.
And say the friday after next (the 22nd) at the latest.


Person who guesses closest to the date it arrives gets a cookie!


Tuesday 5 October 2004


  • Processor - AMD Athlon 64 3400 Processor
  • Operating System - Microsoft Windows XP Home (Soon to be ahem...."upgraded")
  • Memory - 1024MB DDR RAM
  • Hard Disk - 200GB 7200 RPM Serial ATA
  • Optical 1 - Double Layer 16x Multiformat (+/-) DVD-Rewiter Drive
  • Optical 2 - 16x DVD-ROM Drive
  • Graphics - 256MB ATi Radeon 9800 Graphics
  • PC-TV System - Digital PC-TV System, Media Software and Remote Control
  • Front Panel - CoolerMaster Muskateer PC Monitoring System
  • Network - 10/100 Ethernet Port for Home Networking
  • Wi-Fi - 802.11g 54Meg Wi-Fi Wireless
  • Firewire - 1394 Firewire Port
  • Card Reader - Multi-Format Card Reader & Writer
  • Sound - 6 Channel Sound Onboard
  • Keyboard etc. - Wireless keyboard & mouse
  • Ports etc. - 1.44MB Floppy Drive, USB2.0 Ports x4, Parallel & Standard Ports
  • Software - Everything :P


Monday 4 October 2004

Toooooooooooodaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! Mk II

I will be ordering it today......Possibly....I'd better be..........I must have it....soooon....

Cross all your fingers.


Saturday 2 October 2004

I jsut watched Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow and while it may not be as good as say The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, it was well worth the download.
On Kushan's scale of goodness, It rates as a 3.
If you are unfamilliar with this scale, it goes like this:

0 - Pretend it doesn't exist
1 - Download it
2 - Watch it if it's on TV
3 - Rent it
4 - Go see it in the Cinema
5 - Download it to see it as soon as possible, then go to the Cinema and give them money because you downloaded it and spend all your money on products endorsing this fine movie..

An example of a film rated 5 would be Shrek 2.
An example of a film rated 0 would be any Sequel to the Matrix....if they ever make one that is.