
Monday 24 May 2004

"You should be in an exam right now"

Those were the words I heard this morning when  I walked into my first class...
I had an exam today and I didn't even know about it, at least, I didn't know it was on at that specific time, i.e. when I was at the other side of the school¬_¬
Luckily it was a key skills exam. which are basically exams to find out if you can count higher than 10, they're piss easy so it was no biggie, and it's worth UCAS points (Universities here have a point system to get in, i.e. 220 points, where an A-level grade A is worth like  120 points...I think...and B is worth like 100, c is 80 and so on). well these are worth 20 universities I was looking at actually accepts them, so to me they're worth....fuck all....woo
Which is a shame as there's a KS Computers thing, which I don't have to do because I do A-level ICT, but I still get the KS points, just for showing up to the class. Go me.
Anyhoo, the test was wee buns (means it's easy), so it's basically 20 non-existent UCAS points in the bag. Go me x2
I watched Shrek 2 today, it's officially Jizz-tastic. Go me x3.
And it has this, the cutest thing you'll ever see next to me:

Puss in boots!
If you haven't seen shrek 2 yet, you should be slapped repeatedly, you have no excuses, download it, steal it, use psychic powers to fly to america and watch it if you don't live there or can't download it I don't care, I'm ordering all of you to do so.  With the exception of Michelle, she orders me to do stuff. Kinky erotic stuff. Go me x4.
This is my last week at school before summer and exams. Go me x5
I made £100 at the weekend for once again sitting on my arse. Go me x6.
I am Kushan, you are not. Go. Me.

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