
Monday 31 May 2004

So THAT'S what engineers do....

I went to work the other day. Supposedly, it was meant to be from 8pm to 8am, but at about 20 past 8, while on site, they rang me asking me if I could stay on 'till 4....
So 20 hours at a building site for some water treatment plant, how fun. Annoyingly, there was a TV there, but it was about 30 years old, wasn't even in colour and only picked up a single channel. How exciting.
At about 7am, someone actually arrived, some sort of engineer person, he had a laptop with him and what seemed to be his own little office thing.
He seemed to wander around back and forth around the site for about 2 hours before coming back to his office, where I presumed he was going to do some work I probably wouldn't understand.
About 20mins later, a loud noise emanated from his room, a sort of "uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuUUUUUUURRRRRMMMMMMMM". And surprisingly I knew what it was. That's right ladies and gents, the engineer was playing none other than Pinball, the shitty...pinball game that comes with Windows 2000, ME and XP. And he played it for quite some time. Go him, he was likely getting paid 3 or 4 times what I was for the same level of work - nothing.
So anyhoo, back to the present. I was told to make a web layout in PS, so I did: don't worry, I'm aware of all the glitches and errors in it, it was my first go at it and I was concentrating on splicing it and such rather than making it look good. which was hopeless as the tutorial I randomly picked  was pretty specific through it all.
Now I'm working on something myself which will be all my own creation, lets hope it turns out good :)

Saturday 29 May 2004

I was bored...

Angel Style by greymentality
First Impression from OthersOthers see your wings unfold and are awed
Your CoreExplorer. You are your own Angel.
Potential to Stray from the Light: 84%
Your WeaknessYou keep getting picked to play Death each day.
Your StrengthYou were picked to weild the flaming sword.
Your WingsInvisible most of the time, but dark gray the rest
Your FocusFaith
Created with the ORIGINAL MemeGen!

Tuesday 25 May 2004

"The new mcdonalds chicken nuggets are now made with chicken breast and less salt" -Tv advert

So what in the name of christ was in them before?
Actually, I think we all know what was in them before....

Thank god I never go there...
Today I was offered an all expenses paid trip to Italy for a week :S
Just like that....and to think I was hapyish about being me last NIGHT! :D
As it turns out, my retarded brother was meant to be going, but since he's...well...a retard it looks more and more likely that he wont be going.
He hasn't even applied for his passport yet and the thing is in July, he's so fucked, hehehe. Plus he might even end up in Jail then so I'd say there's a 99% chance I'll get to go since I'm next in line. Go go me.
For those interested, it's because one of my cousins is getting married there and my real mum was invited along with one other. She origionally picked retard becuse she felt sorry for him, but I'm next in line so w00t all around.

Monday 24 May 2004

"You should be in an exam right now"

Those were the words I heard this morning when  I walked into my first class...
I had an exam today and I didn't even know about it, at least, I didn't know it was on at that specific time, i.e. when I was at the other side of the school¬_¬
Luckily it was a key skills exam. which are basically exams to find out if you can count higher than 10, they're piss easy so it was no biggie, and it's worth UCAS points (Universities here have a point system to get in, i.e. 220 points, where an A-level grade A is worth like  120 points...I think...and B is worth like 100, c is 80 and so on). well these are worth 20 universities I was looking at actually accepts them, so to me they're worth....fuck all....woo
Which is a shame as there's a KS Computers thing, which I don't have to do because I do A-level ICT, but I still get the KS points, just for showing up to the class. Go me.
Anyhoo, the test was wee buns (means it's easy), so it's basically 20 non-existent UCAS points in the bag. Go me x2
I watched Shrek 2 today, it's officially Jizz-tastic. Go me x3.
And it has this, the cutest thing you'll ever see next to me:

Puss in boots!
If you haven't seen shrek 2 yet, you should be slapped repeatedly, you have no excuses, download it, steal it, use psychic powers to fly to america and watch it if you don't live there or can't download it I don't care, I'm ordering all of you to do so.  With the exception of Michelle, she orders me to do stuff. Kinky erotic stuff. Go me x4.
This is my last week at school before summer and exams. Go me x5
I made £100 at the weekend for once again sitting on my arse. Go me x6.
I am Kushan, you are not. Go. Me.

Friday 21 May 2004

Whoa, am I ever addicted! I'm probably a little over weight with lots of acne, feeling lost, and alone, trying to escape from my sorry life with an internet life. I must crawl outta the basement, see

Monday 17 May 2004

Whatever happened to my freedom?

Freedom turned into femdom, that's what.
Kushan bought a GBA SP today, a steal at just £40 too, came with sonic advance, so hopefully that'll keep Kushan occupied for a while. Kushan is Gonna this bad boy once Kushan get paid:

What is that device you might ask Kushan? is it a game?  Well kind of. Once Kushan has it, Kushan can simply download GBA games to it and play them just as if they were the official  games. Except Kushan didn't pay for them. Go Kushan.
Tomorrow is a Physics Exam. Kushan doesn't do Physics. Why does Kushan care? Because that means less work for Kushan tomorrow as there'll be plenty of people out of class. Go Kushan x2.
My journal no longer appears on the google front page :(
Me wants on the first page of google again. You'd never have guessed, would you?

Wednesday 12 May 2004

Good ol' M$

Sooo....past few days have been fairly uninteresting. Rambo has decided to just not show up for some classes any more so Business has become somewhat....more pointless.......
Oooo, some fun was had in ICT the other day. My ICT teacher, Mr Roch Crozier (Or "Cro" as we just call him, formerly  "Papa Roch", formerly "Ferrero Roch-é") is one of those people that seems to exist in his own little world, you know, has  that spaced out look on his face 24/7. Which obviously means he does Bongs. And to confirm this, someone *cough* wrote on the side of one of the Computers, in rather large letters, "Cro Does Bongs". As you do.
Oh the Joy we had when he spotted it.
"What's a bong?"
Erm....that's all for school life....
Pissing about with Windows in light of the new "SP2 doesn't install on Pirated XP installs" scare, I came upon this gem that I had to take a screenshot of:

Yes, they really do print giant red X's on the back of their CD's these days...
Good ol' Microsoft.
I am tired and going to bed, nothing else of interest is planned for later this week do don't expect any interesting updates for a few days...

Sunday 9 May 2004

"It has been said that something as small as the flutter of a butterfly's wing can ultimately cause

mmmmmmmmmm, chaaaaaoooossssss........
Went to work on Friday, from 00:00 - 08:00, they put me on radio duty, so I was occupied most of the night, place also had a TV so that helped pass the time. However, at 8am when I wnet off duty, nobody came to pick me up. A quick phone call and It was discovered that I had to make my own way back from another part of the city I have never even been to before. Bastards. Oh well.
Then on saturday, I was "working" from 22:00 to 08:00 at a place fairly close by (about 25mins walk) which was good, cuz I slept most of the night. And got paid for it. I rule.
Amount made this weekend (approximately): £72, so w00 for me. Total in my SN will only reflect what is in the bank tho.
Watched the Butterfly effect earlier, was weird as hell, but pretty cool tho, I reccomend it.
Oh yea, I got re results of my ICT coursework the other day. 91%.

Thursday 6 May 2004

That is one heartless rat....

More on that later.
Today was quite eventful.
To start off, on the journey to school, some random guy got on the bus and started shouting at the bus driver, threatening to "do his knees in" for not stopping a few stops back where the mans son was. Aparantly. He then shouted something along the lines of "My son has been late 4 times this year because of cunts like you". Now, couple of points about this, for one, he's threatening grievous bodily harm to a driver for driving past someone he probably just didn't see. Another point was that this occurd at about 9:05, so even if the kid had gotton the bus, he would have been late anyway!
More interesting news on the events of last saturday. Not for me of course, but for the many people in my year that went on a b00ze up.
See, basically a lot of them got so pissed, they decided to well...piss all over the kitchen of whatever place they were at. And someone, using the school's video camera no less, decided to film this event, Knobs included.
Now, if that wasn't bad enough, said person took the tape into school to show people.
To make it worse, a teacher caught him with it.
And now he has to get counseling. For being a dirty fucker.
Oooo, Rambo made a tit out of himself again. In front of some south africans too.
See, for some reason, there's these 2 south african people in to talk to us about South Africa, which is somehow related to business studies, I don't know how, but it is.
So rambo, being the retard that he is, decided that he wanted to look big and clever in front of them by trying to prove us all wrong, it went something like this:

Rambo Pupils

"Boys, how long are your first 2 exams?"
"An hour each"
"No they're not"
"They're an hour and a half each, you boys need to stay on track of things!"
"Sir, it says on the board right behind you, one hour per exam"

Then later in the day, we cut up a rat, that was pretty cool. I wont go into details cuz of the more squeamish of you out there *cough*Michelle*cough*.
Good shit all around.

Wednesday 5 May 2004


It's early, I'm tired and school is just upon the Horizon.....
Yesterday = nothing happen.
School was boring, we watched a video in biology of a rat disection, that was pretty cool, right before lunch too. We get to do a real one on thursday *rubs hands*
Today will be boring.
At least I will have an hours sleep before class begins....

Sunday 2 May 2004


Man, security guards rule, well at least their Job does.
Friday I came in from school to have my uniform literally thrust into my hands with dad saying "you're leaving in 20mins" . I hadn't even set down my schoolbag.
It was just for a few hours, a "training day" but heck I still got paid.
Basically, me and the other guy who was "training" me sat around and watched TV the whole night.
All I have to do is make sure nobody goes on the site I'm at, and if anyone does, I don't even have to go near them, I just radio in "Intruder on site" and that's it. I do a radio in every hour, and well...that's the Job, and I get paid for it, easy :D
Heck, they even took me home nearly an hour early (Although I still get paid the full wage) because it was easier for them, they're as lazy as me!
Job rules.
I'm just getting ready for a 12 hour shift from 8Pm to 8AM, which works out extra specially good as as soon as the clock strikes midnight, I get paid double, meaning that this 12 hour shift is the same as doing 20 hours :D
Once this shift is done, I will have made just over £100, all from 2 days work, my Uber-1337 PC is very very close....