
Tuesday 30 May 2006


I got bored so I decided to sell something on eBay:

A real update is coming soon. Promise.

EDIT: Yes, ebay are bastards :(

Saturday 27 May 2006

Quick update

Just letting everyone know I've arrived safely in Ipswitch to live with my brother for the summer.
I'll make a proper entry soon.

Wednesday 24 May 2006

Damn bastards people tagging me...

Weird habits you have/things you do:
Once you are tagged you MUST write an entry about 6 weird habits/things as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose the next six people to be tagged and list their names.

1. I have to do things in order.
I don't know why, but I hate doing things in the wrong order. I especially hate playing games or films that are part of a series without playing the original ones first.  Neverwinter nights comes to mind. Despite the fact that the expansions are meant to be really REALLY good, I wont play them until I've completed the main quest, which is renowned for being boring as hell >_<

2. Toilet roll goes OVER, not under.
This is one of my more obsessive compulsive quirks. If I go into a bathroom, even if it's in a complete stranger's house, I always make sure the toilet roll goes over and not under when it's on the little holder thing. I don't know why, it just irritates the hell out of me when it's the wrong way around...

3. Things must be EFFICIENT!
Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if I had some German blood in me or something (technically since I'm of Celtic decent, I do) because I like to make things as efficient as possible. Everything from anything I program to doing my shopping, I usually try to work out beforehand what is the best order to do things. Hell, even when packing my shopping, I always try to use as few bags as possible, yet get the weight distributed evenly o_0

4. I can make an innuendo out of ANYTHING.
'tis true, I can turn the most innocent of conversations into the most sinful discussions ever. And I usually do. I probably shouldn't be so proud of that >_>

5. Things must never be thrown away. Ever.
If I can avoid binning something, I will. That goes for deleting files as well. I just hate getting rid of stuff. Hell, I had a collection of like 300 empty cans at one point. Then I dumped them all and started another collection. I must have collected about another 300 before I had to dump those as well :(

6. I tap tunes with my teeth.
For some odd reason, if I'm listening to a song, or audible pattern, I always end up following the tune with my teeth o_0
Some people pat something with their hand, or even their foot. I use my teeth...

Now it's YOUR turn, bitches!

I tag the following people: ques_nova, angelus01, togey,cheshire_neko, pang_tong and toxinv2

Monday 22 May 2006

Stoled from Chaela, mwahahahaha

Your results:
You are Chewbacca

Han Solo
Qui-Gon Jinn
Luke Skywalker
Princess Leia
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Mace Windu
Lando Calrissian
Sure you're tall and hairy,
but you've got heart!

(This list displays the top 10 results out of a possible 21 characters)

Click here to take the Star Wars Personality Test

Damn right I am!

Sunday 21 May 2006


I'm so fed up lately.
I'm fed up with having no money (and I'm too proud to willingly accept any money from anyone else).
I'm fed up with things just not working, like how my router just decided to be a cunt last night and simply NOT WORK for no reason, or like my cool MX1000 mouse suddenly deciding to stop charging.
I'm fed up with not being able to relax at my computer because I can't see the screen very well, forcing me to lean forward lots, which in turn makes my legs and back really sore after a few mins...
I'm also sick of how people are acting around me. Or rather not.
I don't know, maybe I'm paranoid or something, but it's been bugging me a lot lately.
For example, last night when the router was going a bit crazy, Steve messaged Malachy asking what I had done to it. Why not message me, since it's my router?
I asked Malachy and his response?

"Well uh...y'see, Steve's my friend..."

In other words, I wasn't his friend.

And then it occurred to me that Steve (or Vicki for that matter) hardly ever message me, it's always Malachy. He's always inviting Malachy to his place, usually not even bothering to ask if I wanted to come over. I couldn't care less that those two are now best friends with each other, I'm happy for them, I'm just ticked off that I always seem to get overlooked, unless, of course, they want something from me.

And then I think that maybe I'm overreacting, that I'm just being paranoid and it just brings me back to my original point: I'm fed up. I don't know what any of them really thinks, if they've suddenly fallen out with me or whatever, but I don't want to even think about it any more, I'm just exhausted and want to crawl into bed for the next year or so and not have to deal with anything.

Truth be told, I don't know what's really wrong with me.

Friday 19 May 2006

It's probably not my day....

I went to take a shower earlier and as I was scrubbing myself, I spat some shower water out only to realise that it was full of blood. I spat again, more blood. Then I coughed up some blood.
I have no idea why.

I'm still missing some badly needed funds, thanks to the Student loan people being bastards.  I was supposed to get a loan AND a bursary totalling about £1500.
I only got half of it. Then rent came. Kiss goodbye to that half.
They wont give me the other half until my dad fills in some forms or something. I phoned them about this a few weeks ago, then passed on the details to my dad.
He went and got the forms and handed them in.
2 weeks later, no money.
I phoned them again. They want him to fill in MORE forms, AND get the places he worked at LAST YEAR to fill in some details, but they wont actually tell ME most of the details because it's his income and not mine. Despite the fact that all of this information is needed in order for ME to get MY money.

I have about £5.70 to my name. I have to make it last a week before my brother comes to pick me up.


Thursday 11 May 2006

Here's a brain fuck for you.

Some scientist somewhere managed to slow down light so much, it went backwards.

To confuse you even more, it went FASTER than light normally travels.


For Sam...

Toxin is trapped in a closet full of gay men. The door is welded shut. He's fucked.

Wednesday 10 May 2006

Even in my dreams she's pure evil....I think...

I had one of the most messed up dreams ever last night.
It started off with me in the future, being slightly older (I'd say like 40 or 50). I managed to bump into Kay for some reason and there wasn't any hostility, we chatted a little and then she decided she'd cheat on whoever she was with at the time to have a quickie with me (I'm not badmouthing her, that's actually what happened in the dream).

Now this is where it gets a bit mad.
For some god damned reason, we had to go back in time to do it.
We went back in time and due to the whole time traveling thing, both Kay and I got younger and younger, until we were both about the same age we are now.

Then, of course, we proceeded to get down to it and for some reason, this unleashed some sort of.....evil being that planned to take over the world and fuck up the future. Oh and it scared the crap out of me, in my dream at least.
That's a really weird thing I've noticed recently, I'm not afraid of anything in the real world. Sure, I get edgy when I don't like the look of someone or something, however nothing actually scares me, but in my dreams things do.
I find it Ironic that the one place I get scared is the one place I can't possibly be in any danger.

But yes, sex with Kay == End of the world. Man, I have fucked up dreams.

On another note, I did my last exam today. Okay, I drew a smiley face as an answer to one of the questions, but other than that I think it went pretty well. And now I'm free, hurrah!

Tuesday 9 May 2006

Oh joy

I've suddenly found myself addicted to the Leningrad Cowboys.
They be immense.

Tuesday 2 May 2006

The Cat returns

Since I arrived here, every time I've been inside HMV, Virgin, Music zone, or anywhere that sells DVD's, I've always looked at a certain DVD.

The cat returns.

I've always picked it up, looked at the box and thought "Heh...there's a big cat on the back, it must be cool", but I never actually bought it.

Well that changed today. I finally took the plunge and forked out £15 for it, a little expensive for a DVD but the price has always been around that for this film for some reason.

Well it's safe to say, it was money well bloody spent.

Without a doubt, it's now one of my top favourite films of all time.

It's good! And it's a family film!

It has a whole bunch of kick ass characters, like this guy:

He's called "The Barron" and he's one bad ass dude!
He's like Puss in Boots, except he's in a suit and just kicks ass again and again.

There's also his fat friend (in the middle):

He's called Muta and he's also pretty Bad ass too, but he's nothing on the Baron.

To my surprise, even the English dubbing was perfect. It had some pretty kick ass people in it, Like Tim Curry (Dr Frankfurter from Rocky Horror), Rene Auberjonois (Odo from Deep Space Nine) and even Elliott Gould (Ross and Monica's Dad, from Friends).
The whole film is God damn good, I can't stress it enough. I normally don't buy stuff if I can download it, but I would gladly buy this again if something happened to my DVD, and tomorrow I plan on buying "Whisper of the Heart", an earlier (but somewhat unrelated) film featuring the Baron.

So if you haven't seen this film, for shame. Go out now and buy it, watch it with your family or friends and I guarantee you'll enjoy it.
By the way, that wasn't a suggestion, it was an order.

The cat returns wins the following awards:

Best Impulse buy of 2006 (so far)
It gets a 5/5 on the Kushan scale of goodness (See Here for an explanation of that)
100 of Russel's points, plus an additional +100 for having The Baron in it for a total of +200.
And of course, the most prestigious award of them all:
A thumbs up from me.

Oh dear god..

Have you ever been on a forum where someone just says or does something so....idiotic, you just have to tell someone?

Or better yet, take a screenshot and show someone:

This girl is on my course...