
Wednesday 4 January 2006

What IS a dick ticket, anyway?

Inside Jokes are fun.

Anyhoo, today I went out with the lads to have a nice big Steak. 16 oz is quite a considerable amount you know. Piece of piss eating that son of a bitch ^_^
Then I came home and had a cake. That's not a typo. I ate a full cake.
See, that might shock a lot of people, but you don't know how big the cake was. I mean, a jaffa cake is technically a cake and they're tiny!
Not that it matters, it was a pretty big cake anyway >_>

I like cake.

I also like the Future Sound of London, if anyone else has heard them, please comment here. I'll be surprised if anyone has.
I'm tired.

I completely forgot to mention what happened last week!
Picture me sitting at a table in the pub by myself because everyone else went to the toilet, bar or to gamble. Then some woman directly facing me, also alone at a table, starts mouthing something that I can barely make out because I'm practically blind. It's a noisy pub so whatever she's saying isn't being heard by anyone. She then starts pointing in my general direction.
Now from my point of view, some random woman looks like she's talking to me and trying to get my attention. Why? That doesn't make sense, so I casually look around behind me to see who she's talking to and there's nothing but a big, brick wall. Damn. She IS talking to me then and I've just realised I've made a complete tit out of myself by looking around like....well like a tit!
So I get up and move over to her table to talk to her and see who the hell she is. Well I'll be damned, it was none other than Sarah, the Coffee girl I got obsessed with over the summer!
It was nice seeing her, making the fine impression that I did. I guess Ireland has some bad vibe that makes me less of a person or something. At least in Liverpool I stand out, people seem to think I'm special or good company or something.
Or maybe Ireland does that to everyone, because Jim came back and sat beside me (remember I moved tables) and said "hey......who stole my seat?" Then I believe Kev came back and said "hey someone stole my coat!". Idiots.
Yeah, Ireland makes people suck or something.
Still feels good to be Irish though ^_^

EDIT: I edited this to add a single comma. I have problems...

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