
Wednesday 23 March 2005

Women are all bastards....

I hate racists and bigots and anyone else that discriminates against a large group based on the actions of a few - because there's always just as many of that same group that do good.
But more and more, I feel I am becoming sexist

I have yet to see women act like they're supposed to and not be total bitches.
Now don't get me wrong, I have a fair few female friends and most of them make good friends. But it's when you begin to get close to them that things go wrong. It's almost as if they try to lure you in and screw you over as hard as they possibly can.
It's happened to me on countless occations now, and I'm only 17 bloody years old (well, 18 as of next monday).
You see it on TV too.

There was this TV show called "Average Joe", kind of a dating game where they get like 10 "Average" guys. I.e. ugly as fuck but with great personalities and they get this hot model and the model narrows them down over a few weeks. Sounds like any other reality TV show, right?
Well after she's emilinated like half of them, they then throw in like 5 really good looking, well built guys, but they're pretty much total dicks who are incredibly shallow.
"Jocks vs Geeks" as the american's put it.

The idea is to see if "beauty is on the inside" is correct and stuff.

Season one:
"The runner up, and final Average Joe, in first season is "Average" Adam."

Yup, first season she picked the good looking guy with the shit personality.

Season two:
"The runner up, and final Average Joe, in this season is "Average" Brian. Gil was the winning hunk."

I actually watched a lot of season two, it was the most entertaining program on TV on a saturday. The guy, "Brian" was really nice, he was super sweet and sensitive and very caring and all that other bullshit that girls are supposed to like. Gil was some cold heared fucker that didn't even "open up" to the women, something she said she respected a lot in Brian.

Gil dumped her like a week after the show or something. Serves the bitch right, to the curb with her.

Source: TVTome

Now lets contrast this with season 3, which is a guy (a runner up from the first season actually) picking the girls. Unfortunately they didn't keep to the same format of Ugly vs Bitch, so all we can really do to compare is look at what he said:

"Adam said that at first, he wanted everyone to like him. But ultimately, he said, he needs to choose the person who makes him happy - and he's done that by choosing Samantha."

See that ladies and gentlemen? He went for the one that made him fucking happy!

See all this shit you see on TV about men being cold, heatless pigs with no emotions and women being fragile and sensitive? It's utter bollocks.

I reiterate: Utter bollocks!

Men are JUST as sensitive and emotional as women, if not moreso. At least today they are. Men Cry, men get upset when their girlfriend dumps them or cheats on them, men want to be loved and cared for as much as any fairytale women does.
They may be stronger physically, but emotionally men could actually teach women a few things.

I'm just sick of all this shit we get about women being the fragile things and we are the pigs, the sexists, the ones that only go for breasts and ass and that women are made out to be little angels who want personality and romance and all that.

I can't stress my point enough:


Now to all of the women reading this who got deeply offended, I ask you this:

Q1. Do I know you?

If the answer is no, skip to part 5, if yes go to question 2.

Q2. Have I ever been close to you? As in emotionally close.

If the answer is no, skip to part 5, if yes go to question 3.

Q3. Did you fuck me over?

If the answer is yes, you have just proven everything I've said so far.
If the answer is no, go to the last question.


5. I haven't gotton clsoe to you yet so you can't say anything.

Now you might ask yourself, why is Question 4 blank? Well that's because no woman out there has gotton to that point yet.

If anyone out there, preferably a woman since they love to stand up for themselves, can prove to me otherwise - that women aren't all cold, shallow and heartless deep down, please feel free to show me.

EDIT: Just to clarify, women can make good friends, but anything more and you're asking for trouble.

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