
Tuesday 29 March 2005

On my birthday...

So lets see here. Before I begin I gotta thank Jfk, Nozzy, Stocky and everyone else for all the comments and stuff.

Special mention goes out to jfk for making the animation:

So what did I do on my birthday?

Well, lets see here. I have to go back to sunday. I'm sitting eating my dinner at about 8Pm when the phone rings.
It's my supervisor wondering why I wasn't at work. Thing is, some genious at the office decided that I would be working sunday night, even though I specifically told them I wanted monday off (for obvious reasons).
I guess they figured that as long as they didn't tell me I was working then it didn't matter.
At least my supervisor knows I don't bullshit and knew I was telling the truth about not knowing I was meant to be there.
So I go to work, stay there all night and go home at 8am.
What a good start to your 18th, eh?
Ah well, I get home and I'm sitting on IRC talking to some people and I notice a prezzie sitting beside my monitor.
I open it. It's an electric razor! I was planning on buying one of those anyway, so that's a good choice.
So anyway I'm sitting there testing it out, casually trimming my stubble and JUST as I'm half way through my face...the battery dies. Guess they don't charge them up much in the factory.
No worries, I can just plug in the mains adapter and continue the rest..or at least...that's what I thought.
For some reason, the electric razor industry decided to only use American 2-Pin plugs ¬_¬
Then I went to bed.
Then I woke up at about 6Pm. Just in time for the BQFH to arrive.
Since it was her Birthday too, she decided we should go to Pizza hut, after all my dad had to go to work and she'd be all alone otherwise. Poor her.
So we go to pizza hut, and it's damn tastey, aint had pizza in a few weeks so it went down a treat.
Then she asked me to go pay the bill.
With my money.
Pizza hut for 2 = fucking expensive, in fact I got about £3 change from a £10 and a £20 note.
Sometimes it's ncie to be told that you're going to pay for your own "birthday treat".
But still, i wasn't expecting anything great, after all it's her, and as usual my friends were totally kick ass and awesome and made the day great anyway ^_^

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