
Tuesday 29 March 2005

On my birthday...

So lets see here. Before I begin I gotta thank Jfk, Nozzy, Stocky and everyone else for all the comments and stuff.

Special mention goes out to jfk for making the animation:

So what did I do on my birthday?

Well, lets see here. I have to go back to sunday. I'm sitting eating my dinner at about 8Pm when the phone rings.
It's my supervisor wondering why I wasn't at work. Thing is, some genious at the office decided that I would be working sunday night, even though I specifically told them I wanted monday off (for obvious reasons).
I guess they figured that as long as they didn't tell me I was working then it didn't matter.
At least my supervisor knows I don't bullshit and knew I was telling the truth about not knowing I was meant to be there.
So I go to work, stay there all night and go home at 8am.
What a good start to your 18th, eh?
Ah well, I get home and I'm sitting on IRC talking to some people and I notice a prezzie sitting beside my monitor.
I open it. It's an electric razor! I was planning on buying one of those anyway, so that's a good choice.
So anyway I'm sitting there testing it out, casually trimming my stubble and JUST as I'm half way through my face...the battery dies. Guess they don't charge them up much in the factory.
No worries, I can just plug in the mains adapter and continue the rest..or at least...that's what I thought.
For some reason, the electric razor industry decided to only use American 2-Pin plugs ¬_¬
Then I went to bed.
Then I woke up at about 6Pm. Just in time for the BQFH to arrive.
Since it was her Birthday too, she decided we should go to Pizza hut, after all my dad had to go to work and she'd be all alone otherwise. Poor her.
So we go to pizza hut, and it's damn tastey, aint had pizza in a few weeks so it went down a treat.
Then she asked me to go pay the bill.
With my money.
Pizza hut for 2 = fucking expensive, in fact I got about £3 change from a £10 and a £20 note.
Sometimes it's ncie to be told that you're going to pay for your own "birthday treat".
But still, i wasn't expecting anything great, after all it's her, and as usual my friends were totally kick ass and awesome and made the day great anyway ^_^

Monday 28 March 2005

*insert generic title here*

*insert generic birthday announcing text with the number "18" in it somewhere here*

*insert silly joke here*

*insert pervertedness here*

First proper update I've done in months ^_^

Friday 25 March 2005

To whom it may concern....

Everyone keeps asking me what's so special about this monday.

Perhaps that will clear things up :P

Wednesday 23 March 2005

Women are all bastards....

I hate racists and bigots and anyone else that discriminates against a large group based on the actions of a few - because there's always just as many of that same group that do good.
But more and more, I feel I am becoming sexist

I have yet to see women act like they're supposed to and not be total bitches.
Now don't get me wrong, I have a fair few female friends and most of them make good friends. But it's when you begin to get close to them that things go wrong. It's almost as if they try to lure you in and screw you over as hard as they possibly can.
It's happened to me on countless occations now, and I'm only 17 bloody years old (well, 18 as of next monday).
You see it on TV too.

There was this TV show called "Average Joe", kind of a dating game where they get like 10 "Average" guys. I.e. ugly as fuck but with great personalities and they get this hot model and the model narrows them down over a few weeks. Sounds like any other reality TV show, right?
Well after she's emilinated like half of them, they then throw in like 5 really good looking, well built guys, but they're pretty much total dicks who are incredibly shallow.
"Jocks vs Geeks" as the american's put it.

The idea is to see if "beauty is on the inside" is correct and stuff.

Season one:
"The runner up, and final Average Joe, in first season is "Average" Adam."

Yup, first season she picked the good looking guy with the shit personality.

Season two:
"The runner up, and final Average Joe, in this season is "Average" Brian. Gil was the winning hunk."

I actually watched a lot of season two, it was the most entertaining program on TV on a saturday. The guy, "Brian" was really nice, he was super sweet and sensitive and very caring and all that other bullshit that girls are supposed to like. Gil was some cold heared fucker that didn't even "open up" to the women, something she said she respected a lot in Brian.

Gil dumped her like a week after the show or something. Serves the bitch right, to the curb with her.

Source: TVTome

Now lets contrast this with season 3, which is a guy (a runner up from the first season actually) picking the girls. Unfortunately they didn't keep to the same format of Ugly vs Bitch, so all we can really do to compare is look at what he said:

"Adam said that at first, he wanted everyone to like him. But ultimately, he said, he needs to choose the person who makes him happy - and he's done that by choosing Samantha."

See that ladies and gentlemen? He went for the one that made him fucking happy!

See all this shit you see on TV about men being cold, heatless pigs with no emotions and women being fragile and sensitive? It's utter bollocks.

I reiterate: Utter bollocks!

Men are JUST as sensitive and emotional as women, if not moreso. At least today they are. Men Cry, men get upset when their girlfriend dumps them or cheats on them, men want to be loved and cared for as much as any fairytale women does.
They may be stronger physically, but emotionally men could actually teach women a few things.

I'm just sick of all this shit we get about women being the fragile things and we are the pigs, the sexists, the ones that only go for breasts and ass and that women are made out to be little angels who want personality and romance and all that.

I can't stress my point enough:


Now to all of the women reading this who got deeply offended, I ask you this:

Q1. Do I know you?

If the answer is no, skip to part 5, if yes go to question 2.

Q2. Have I ever been close to you? As in emotionally close.

If the answer is no, skip to part 5, if yes go to question 3.

Q3. Did you fuck me over?

If the answer is yes, you have just proven everything I've said so far.
If the answer is no, go to the last question.


5. I haven't gotton clsoe to you yet so you can't say anything.

Now you might ask yourself, why is Question 4 blank? Well that's because no woman out there has gotton to that point yet.

If anyone out there, preferably a woman since they love to stand up for themselves, can prove to me otherwise - that women aren't all cold, shallow and heartless deep down, please feel free to show me.

EDIT: Just to clarify, women can make good friends, but anything more and you're asking for trouble.

So what's been happening....

Well, today...

And erm....hmm.....o_0

I'm an Alpha/beta tester for the Dead 6 too :D

Oh and with regards to the last post, this will make it all clear to you:

Sunday 20 March 2005

The other day...

She gave me a card. I was flattered.
I followed her home and knocked on her door with a big bunch of flowers.
But, she must have been on the toilet or something because she didn't answer.
I let myself in and I found her crying for some reason.
I gutter her and ate her spleen. Then I ate her small intestine.
I then started chewing on her stomach.
It was all acidy and I burnt my mouth :(
It tasted like hot sick.
So then of course, I had a wank and left.

Friday 18 March 2005


This is quite possible the funniest flash movie I've ever seen. Ever.

Before you watch, you should be informed about Warner Bros. new take on Looney tunes, where they've decided to replace characters like Bugs bunny with ones like "Buzz bunny", with "extreme-to-the-max" action and shit like that.


Sunday 13 March 2005

To ALL Star Wars fans!

I posted the link here to the leaked teaser trailor before, and so once again I'll post the link to another leaked (this time full) trailor!


Saturday 12 March 2005


You scored as Cocaine. Be careful, this drug is very addicting, and you can build a tolerance quickly.















What's your ideal drug?
created with

I'm REALLY the hell did that happen?

God Sucks

You scored as atheism. You are... an atheist, though you probably already knew this. Also, you probably have several people praying daily for your soul.

Instead of simply being "nonreligious," atheists strongly believe in the lack of existence of a higher being, or God.



















Which religion is the right one for you? (new version)
created with

Thursday 10 March 2005


I got my results back for the exams I did in January. When added up, everything is as follows:

I now I a full A-level in Business studies at Grade C.
My AS Biology went up to a C

What that means is, counting up the points I CURRENTLY have, it goes like this:

Business (Full A-level) - 80 points
Biology (AS only) - 40 Points
ICT (AS Only) - 60 points

Now that's what I currently DEFINATELY have.

You know how many points I need to get into University? 180.

I shit you not.
But guess what, I have more to go:

I have the rest of ICT to go, another possible 60 (for a total of 120) when I do the full A-level.
I have biology...eehhh...not expecting much from that, might get myself an extra 10 points or something.
I have Key skills Numeracy, if I bother to spend like 2 hours on a portfolio, I get another 20 points.
Also, for PASSING ICT, I get ICT Key skills, another 20 points for getting an E grade overall or better. Here's the thing, AS grades are out of 300 points (240+ = A, 210 = B and so on) and the Full A-level is out of 600 points, with 300 counting from the Original AS.
An E in the Full A-level is 240 or higher out of 600. So I've pretty much already got ICT Key skills. Shove those 20 points up there for a grand total of 200 points before I've even finished school.

Now guess who's a happy chappy?

Wednesday 9 March 2005

ROFL at toxinv2's post....

Saturday 5 March 2005

Yet another friend's 18th....

So once again it was another 18th except this one was big. Big party at the guy's house, BBQ and shit. It was great craic too. His parents were really sound about it, they supplied lots of booze, cups and shit as well as all the stuff for the BBQ and lit a big fire in a barrel out the back to keep everyone warm and didn't mind all the drinking as long as nobody got TOO fucked.
Their only condition was that they were there to make sure nobody got hurt and stuff which you kinda gotta admire.
But most of my night was spent as usual running around making sure everyone was ok. Kinda like the formal except there was no problems or anything tonight, everyone was good and stuff so I just like went to the shop for people and handed out the food and stuff. Kinda sad really, but I like doing it. Unlike before at the formal when I was yearning for a bit of company now I'm alright.
Which is odd because company is something I still want. I mean I have a Girlfriend but I haven't seen a lot of her. I forgot to mention she found out last sunday that her mum has cancer, lukemia. Yeah I know, this is weird it's like so much bad stuff seemed to happen to her recently and I'm busy passing out crisps to my mates....fuck...
But tha'ts the problem, there's nothing I can do for her which really pisses me off.
I'm planning to see her on monday, just going to the cinema or something. Maybe I can make her feel better.
The problem here is that quite simply, me and her aren't going to last for ever and ever. But she's getting so damn dependant on me, I can't break it off now to prevent more pain in the future, all I can do is go along with it, cheer her up and make her happy and be an all around nice guy that I am and hope that something comes along, that I begin to love her or that she begins to love someone else or something.
Tonight I ended up "counceling" another girl called Paula. She's in some of my formal pics. Actually she's probably one of the best looking girls in it and she's even got an amazing personallity to boot.

But she's fallen into the trap that so many people fall into. There's this guy, a so-called friend of mine Called Gary. Also pictured in my formal pics. He's the one with the lip ring.
Now Gary is a nice sound guy, but as a boyfriend he's a cunt. He's just after one thing, but he's so damn good looking and confident he will get it.
And that's what he did with Paula. And a fuckload of other women. Now Paula, even though she could literally have any guy she wanted, has went back and forth with Gary because he knows the lingo, he has the looks and all that. And her problem is that she puts herself way below him and thinks he's way out of her leauge. Truth be told, my left testicle is out of Gary's leauge, he's a complete cunt when he's drunk and treats women like shit.
She's too busy thinking she's not good enough and that everyone else expects stuff of her that she's forgotton totally about looking out for herself.
Alot of my friends are in similar situations, so many of them are unhappy. When out and about it's all great, but you, or at least I, can tell there's problems. Alot of the time I can almost pinpoint it too. Yeah this is gonna sound like bollocks now, but I just have this...ability to know what is going on with people. I'm not saying I'm pshycic or any balls like that, I guess I can just read people really well.
And something inside me tells me to try to help them...

Friday 4 March 2005

You must all donate money to this man!

Just to clarify, I don't give a fuck what he does to the rabbit, I just think he DESERVES the money for being a fucking genious!

So...more on my Girlfiend...

Remember her? I think I mentioned her once in my last post.
She's out of hospital. She discharged herself after hearing how her friend hung himself on wednesday.....


Relationships are never simple with me.

Wednesday 2 March 2005

Bithc fucker cunt bitch bitch whore bitch cunt bitch.

I'm in a bad mood. Very bad mood. Actually, that's a lie. I just had a takeaway chineese. Ironically it wasn't taken away, it was delivered. So nothing was really taken. Especially since I paid for it o_0

Anyhoo, BEFORE the Chineese, I was well pissed. And guess who is the cause of it this time!


See, the place where she lives (which today I noticed is a complete ghetto, more on that later) is having the houses fixed up. But for them to fix up her house, they gotta shove her into a different house for 6 weeks. So anyway, that means I get a day off school to come and help her move her shit. Not a problem, I don't mind helping people....who deserve it...

So it starts off well. Yesterday my dad kept saying to me "I'll phone you at 9 in the morning, ok?" and I'm like "yeah sure". He says this to me like 20 times.

Next day....he phones at 8 in the morning. I say to him "err...did you not say 9?" and his response was something like "uuhhh....yeah....sounds good" so I went back to sleep, expecting him to phone an hour later.

12Noon appears, I get woken up by a phone call from him, with him being very pissed that I wasn't there. Miscommunication on that one.
So I get cleaned and leave to go to my real mother's house. This year, just like every other year, I get forced into giving her a card and shit for mother's day. Fuck.
But also, while I was there, I was told to grab my dad's toolbox, which my brother "borrowed". Without asking.
So anyway, I get there and do all the usual "Hi mum, how are you, you fucking bitch? Under my breath of course.
And I see the toolbox. I also see my dad's drill. Now nobody said fuck all about a drill, so I thought I'd phone my dad and see if he wanted me to grab that too.
I ring his mobile. BQFH answers for some god unknown reason. This is how the conversation went. Not from this point onwards the rest of this LJ entry is going to be a rant about her. Probably. Bitch.

Kushan BQFH

Yes, Steve?
Is my dad there?
He's right here, but he's busy, what's wrong?
Ask him if he wants his drill as well, cuz it's also here.
<At this point the Dog starts barking lots and I can't hear jack shit>
What? Does he want his Drill back?
Does he want his Drill as well?
I can't hear you!
I said yes!!
I didn't hear you....
You did, you just wern't listening!
<Hung up>

That was the start of it. Fast forward about 20mins.
I get to her house and there is some American woman sitting there. Pleasant girl, in her 40's I guess. Christian.
So anyway, I walk into the kitchen and put the tools down, say hello and all that. Then my dad says something to the bitch and it started this:

I'm not in the mood, especially after he *points to Me*  was so cheeky to me on the phone!
What? YOU were the one being cheeky!

I was about to tell her to go fuck herself when my dad jumped in saying "He's only winding you up *fake laugh*"
I was about to tell him to piss off because I was standing my ground, then tell her to fuck herself with a big stick before I rememberd about the american woman. I'm not about to let that bitch give me a bad name to her or anyone else.

I held my tongue.

So then I sat around listening to more shit. General talking shit.
Thing about BQFH is that her aunt of 82 died today. Sad and I would have given her pity if she didn't use it to seek a shit load of attension. Seriously, the phone rang and she was like "hello...oh hello <name>. My aunt died this morning...." seriously, no matter who it was she talked to the first thing she brought up was her aunt. Even to total strangers like the guy from the housing executive. And I accidentally mistyped Executive as executing. Shows what I think about when I think about BQFH.

Later on that day, as I try to stay the fuck away from her, I inadvertantly get stuck in the same room as her. She asks me to go to the other house to get my dad so he can put in a lightbulb. I shit you not. I offered to do it "Oh no, he did something to them, you'll need to get him" "'s just one small room you need the light in, there's a torch there" I'd also like to point out it was a Maglite. Big fucker too, about 40Cm long. "JUST GO BEFORE YOU IRRITATE ME EVEN MORE!". Bitch. So I go down to the other house and explain to my dad that she needed him to fix the light. His responce? " all she needs to do is screw in the lightbulb". As I thought, she was talking out of her sweet arse.

So I'm waiting in the new house, guarding the place in case anyone tries to steal anything while he's off to show her what a stupid fucking whore she is. Hopefully. A while passes by, my dad comes back, carrying more stuff obviously. He's rather grumpy at this point. I ask him how Kathleen is. "Oh she's highly strung out". And then I ask him how he was. "I'm alright....FOR GETTING SLAPPED IN THE FUCKING FACE!" Whoa...."what happened?" I inquire. "I told Kathleen she was annoying me" I was shocked, could this be, Dad actually admitting that she's an irritating piece of shit? Lets hope so!
He wanders back after making lots of unneeded noise. He comes back even more pissed off. "What's wrong?" "It begins with K and ends in een" he replies. Funny, could have swrong it began with B and ended in H, but lets not let my Dad's misconceptions bother us for now. I back off and let him do what he needs to do. On the way out of the door to go back, he turns around to me and says "She swallowed a bunch of pills and pretended to have an overdose for fuck''s sake!" and storms off.
This was the highlight of my day. For once my Dad was able to see straight through her, he was able to see what a lying, scheming, manipulative little bitch she is. Hopefully, he'll have noticed all of the attension seeking shit she pulled as well. Doubtful but you never know.

That was the highlight of my day. She never said anything to me after that. Just as well because I'm quite defensive about the people I give a shit about and my Dad means a fuck load to me, she can go fuck herself if she thinks I'm helping her move back once her house is fixed up. In fact, I think I'll use my kewel lighter to burn the fucking thing down the day before she moves back.

Oh and the highlight of my night was the takeaway ^_^

But to add to my grief, amidst all this I find out that my Girlfriend is in hospital. FUcking woo. So that's tomorrow cancelled............fuck.
