
Tuesday 26 December 2006

Stupid BQFH

Seems everyone but me had a good Christmas. I suppose I can't complain, I mean nothing overly bad happened, just having to sit in HER presence annoyed me.
From the moment I got back, she's barely spoken more than 2 words to me and that's usually either to tell me to shut up or to, as far as I can tell, destroy whatever little hope I had left of having a decent Christmas.
I never noticed before just how much she loves the sound of her own voice. I also didn't appreciate her constantly telling my dad how he's lucky he has her. I mean maybe I'm just being cynical because I despise her so much, but more and more it seems like she's always trying to convince my dad that he can't live without her.
And now that I'm not around, she doesn't bother even speaking to me because I'm "out of the way", so to speak.
Hell, almost every time I tried to say something, she'd just interrupt me and talk about something else. Some things never change.
So most of it was spent sitting there being quiet, slowly eating my dinner while BQFH made herself heard.

The food was nice though and although I didn't get very much else, I did get a fair bit of money, about £180.

That'll help pay for the new Laptop charger, since a couple of hours ago I somehow managed to destroy the one I had. So right now I'm using the old, old computer. The computer I opened this very LJ on. The computer I used when I met most of the people that read this. More memories.

Oh well, despite the fact that I had, for lack of a better term, a pretty crappy Christmas, I'm still glad I have all that I do have. There's a lot of people out there who don't have any family, or a lot of money, or even a full stomach at this time of year so if I did complain, it'd be stupid.

New year's on Sunday/monday, that should be fun. Going to go out and have a laugh with friends, then it's only a week until I get home to Liverpool.

Sunday 24 December 2006


Amazing. BQFH just informed me, with a smile on her face I might add, that my Dad is on anit-depressants. On Christmas Eve. Less than one hour before Christmas Day, in fact.

Well, that's Christmas ruined. What a bitch.

I hate this place.

Thursday 21 December 2006



I'm FINALLY back in Ireland, but it took a shit load longer than it should have.

Remember that second flight we were moved onto? Well, we arrived a couple of hours before it was due and checked in. This time we got our boarding passes and such and it was looking good.


Just before it was due to take off, we were kindly informed that it was delayed. By an hour and 20mins. W00t.
But it gets better.
90mins later, they told us to come to the gate. Yey? No. Not yey. They just wanted to group us all together so they could tell us that our flight had been cancelled. Again.

So another hour of queuing to get our luggage back and get transferred onto ANOTHER flight, except this time we had to go all the way to fucking Newcastle for it.
So, we sat around for about...4 hours, just waiting for the coach to arrive, then it was another 5 hours on that piece of shit, listening to a bunch of drunken twats singing and shouting the whole way there. I still managed to get one of their phone numbers somehow >_<

Eventually we get to the complimentary hotel, at about 06:00. Of course we had to leave at about 10:30, but it was better than nothing.

Then...the flight, which was at delayed.....thankfully it was only about 20mins though. I finally, FINALLY got home at about 15:30.

For what was supposed to be a simple, 35min flight, it took a grand total of 47Hours from the original time I left.

Rapings all around, that I promise. You horny bastards.

Tuesday 19 December 2006

I should be in Ireland right now.

I should be at home, in Ireland right now. I should be sitting at my old desk, petting my cat and eating a good unhealthy fry.
Flight was today. Queue a day of packing, an hour long bus trip and another hour waiting in line at check-in.
Except...I'm not in Ireland. My flight was cancelled. The next available flight isn't until tomorrow at 20:10.


Someone's getting raped for this.

Monday 18 December 2006

=O has been a rather interesting weekend indeed.

TO start off, friday's plans. Not sure if I'm allowed to discuss them, so all I'll say is that I thought it went rather well indeed.
Then, on saturday, I found out something rather disturbing.

I'm sure most of you who read this know who Kayleigh "spinkychan" Timson is, I'm sure most of you will know our little history and what not, so I'll spare those details.
I haven't seen nor spoken to her in about a year now, since she dropped off the course at Christmas last year.
However, she apparently isn't done trying to torment my life. After failing to convince her flatmate that I'm some sort of twisted, brainwashing, evil person, she's decided to, what I can only assume is, resort to desperate measures.
I found out that she's been talking to a few people that know me. I don't know when exactly this happened, but it was at most around 3-6 months ago.
And here's the good part. She's been telling people that I raped her. No, that's not me pissing about, she's actually been saying this.

Kushan is, apparently, a rapist.

Who'd have known? Not I, at least.

I swear, that woman needs to sort her shit out.

Thursday 14 December 2006

I should really update this more often.

Gah, I meant to get a nice early night tonight in preparation for tonight, but some cunts were banging stupidly loudly at about half 4 this morning and I just couldn't get back to sleep. This place irks me.

I'm going home on Tuesday, back to Ireland. Woo.
If it's anything like last year, I'll be bored off my face for most of the time. Yippee.

Not a lot has really happened around here recently (well, that I'm sure I can mention here. I'm always up to something >_>), everyone has went all boring and quiet because of coursework and such (myself included) and now they're all just getting ready to go home.
This year so far has been really boring. It probably didn't help that I had no money for half of it, but still...
I hope we do more after Christmas, because this is getting old. I think the Halloween party has been the highlight so far.

Oh well, super secret plans o' d00m tongiht that should be fun =D

Monday 11 December 2006

Fill my stocking you bastards!

Fill this!

Xmas Stocking
leave a gift for Kushan
your username:
your gift: (30 characters or less)

get your stocking
dating website

Saturday 9 December 2006

*insane glee*

Right! I threw away what little dignity I had left and seduced Kushan to give me the password to his Livejournal.


I found out something very distressing.

About six months ago, I asked Steve to watch Firefly. He never did. For six months he didn't watch Firefly.

I just can't have this. So, I'm appealing to all you fine folk, that read his journal, to convince him that he needs to watch Firefly and then Serenity.

Because he really does.

Of course, I could just hold his Livejournal hostage till he does indeed watch Firefly, but that'd be too evil and devious, even for me. Plus, I'd have to sleep with one eye open after that.

So should Kushan be physically forced to watch Firefly? I say he should! Then we could force him to do other, more kinky things, perhaps...

-Toxy Woxy (God dammit, I'm a genius! A drunk genius!)

Things I did today...

Had breakfast.
Boxed Hitler.
Hit a home run.
Made a girl so horny she felt dizzy and started shaking.
Found out Star Trek: Legacy is shit.