
Thursday 30 March 2006

Yet more proof that Google is not evil.

I just discovered something rather disturbing.

Ok, I'm sure you've all seen this before:

Yes, Google loves breasts so much, it thinkis you should be looking at them instead of beasts.
However, have you ever tried doing the same search on ask jeeves?

I shit you not, Jeeves is all about the beast love. I always knew he was a bit dodgy looking.

Birthday results...

And it WAS a result...for the most part.

I had a good time. In the end we didn't go out because everyone was broke, so instead we sat around and had a laugh while Vicki baked me a cake ^_^
And a damn tasty cake it was too, even if it did look like a big turd lol

Of course Dee Dee got really drunk and that pissed me off quite a bit, but since she's been known to use her alcohol problem as a way of getting attention I've decided I'm not going to bother myself with it or not.
She's always going on that she has a problem and that she's trying to do something about it, but how do I know that she isn't just using THAT as an excuse for attention too? She's done it before, so I'll just have to assume she'll do it again.
To put it bluntly, she's on her own from now on, she abused my caring nature too much already.

But enough about that, I still enjoyed my birthday ^_^

Of course, it wasn't over just yet.
Me and Carmy got back and ended up staying awake in my room until about 5 in the morning.
She had a bit of an upset stomach and I was hungry, so I was going to go into the living room to get her some milk and make myself a sandwich.
But before I even managed to open MY door, I noticed that there was an odd smell. A burning smell. At first I thought someone had just burnt some toast or something, so I went down the hall into the living room. The room was completely filled with smoke and some randomer was lying unconscious on the sofa.
I shook him to wake him up, then went and turned off the Oven.
I paused for a second, mainly because my eyes were stinging, when I realised that I didn't even recognise the guy on the sofa! He sure as hell wasn't one of my flatmates, nor did he seem to care because he just went back to sleep while the room was still completely filled with smoke. Idiot.
I went and got the security guard to get rid of him.
Turns out, although he didn't live in my flat, he was a friend of one of my flatmates. One who just happened to be out of town at the time.
The next day he came up to me and apologised for everything and thanked me for saving his life. I just shrugged, smiled and said that it was ok because no permanent damage was done (well, except for the Pizza that he was trying to cook...), but I was really thinking that I just wanted to beat him around the head with a large bat and scream at him that he nearly burned down the entire flat.

Oh well, same time again next year I suppose.

Monday 27 March 2006


Happy birthday to...


EDIT: Vicki is in charge of what we plan to do tomorrow, so everyone that wants to come along, go ask her.
Everyone's welcome, even the people that don't like me ^_^

Sunday 26 March 2006

Life can be so odd...

Who would have thought that a google search for "gay anal sex with chickens" would link directly to a virus...

Saturday 25 March 2006

An Update...

2 days until my birthday. 2 days to go until I'm 19. And I've been up all night working on a project that's due in on that EXACT SAME DAY >_<
To make matters worse, the reason I'm working my ass off now is not because I deliberately left it to the last minute, but because some cunt called Tony, who was supposed to be doing the artwork, didn't bother his arse to get it done until about Thursday.

Now, as I'm in charge of doing the maps for this project, that meant I couldn't get started on them until he did his Job. You see, you can't make a map without the graphical tiles for it >_<
The complete cunt.

At least I've only got 4 maps left to do now >_<

I'll probably post a link to this game once it's done. It's nowhere near as good as we'd planned it to be, but we didn't really have the time to make it as well as we'd hoped. For example, we were going to have individual pilot voices, but we just didn't get around to recording them (Sorry, Khadizha :( ).

Oh well, the point is: I'm going to be a whole year older in 2 days....

Monday 20 March 2006

A small story...

A cold sweat runs down my face. I've just watched the medic that's been keeping me alive for the past few conflicts get shot by a hidden sniper. I couldn't save him. I wanted to, but my PP-19 wouldn't reach him even if I knew where he was. Instead I ran away and hid from the fighting.
I was exhausted, it was just so unexpected, by the time I got to cover, I could barely breathe.
Artillery fire! NO! There was a small alcove nearby that might protect me. I ran again. I ran as fast as I could, I barely looked at the battlefield around me, but what I did see was bad. We were nearly overrun....
The enemy was right on top of our position, but we couldn't let them take it. If they got ahold of this position, the battle may as well have been over.
The artillery cut through our men, it was as if God himself struck down at us. The artillery soon stopped, but I couldn't hear anything and my vision was blurry as well. I tried to look around the corner to see how many people had survived, instead I seen a large blur in the distance. I knew what that was, it was an enemy tank!
I watched as what few troops that remained fought valiantly to destroy the tank. There were three two anti-tank units left, it was down to them. One of them got a shot off before he was killed, just missing the tank. The other got shot before he even realised there was a tank coming. The third was cowering inside an alcove in case he got hit....
I had to do something! I ran across the road and climbed up a ladder. I needed to get higher to get a better shot of that tank!
I crawled along the small plateau I ended up on. I could hear the tank, it was nearly right on top of us!
I readied my RPG and looked up. I took aim, just as the tank raised it's turret towards me. It had spotted me and was about to fire. I had to hit the tank, I had to destroy it to save myself, my comrades and the defensive position. It all came down to this one shot and then.....

Wednesday 15 March 2006

Workbank? Wankbank more like!

Let me tell you all a little story.
For those of you who aren't in Liverpool or who even don't live in the UK, the WorkBank is kind of like a recruitment agency for Students like myself.
I've worked for various recruitment agency's before, the pattern is the same in most cases: A few days after you register, they phone you up and tell you they have an opening some place. Just the way it should be.

The workbank, however, is a different story.
I registered with them back in October. I walked into the office, had a chat with one of the guys there, filled in some forms and finally went home and filled in some online registration things.
At the time, the guy told me that it takes a few days after registering for your name to get onto the system and when that happens, they'll give you a call.

They never did.

Everyone here who has ever went near the workbank has NEVER got that call from them. The general consensus among us students is that the workbank is a complete waste of time, that they don't have any jobs etc. etc.

Well, considering that it's getting to that time of the year where funds are becoming low, I decided to walk over to their office and see if they could get me a job (Again). The walk is a good 30min away, which is why I don't do it every day.

Upon getting there, I managed to get talking to the manager, a guy called Jonathan Griffiths. I explained to him that I'd like a Job and he told me to register. Again. I explained to him that I had already registered back in October and they never bothered to get back to me and his response was...interesting, to say the least.

"That was a test" He said.
"A test?" I asked.
"Yes, you see we have to make sure that the people who apply for Jobs here actually want them" he declared.
"That's not right" I protested.
"Well I'm sorry, but that's just the way it is and there's nothing I can do about it" he spat.
"So who would I go to if I wanted to complain about it?" I inquired.
"Oh, that would be me, the manager" he responded.
"But you just said you can't do anything about it" I retorted.
"ah well um...y'see....." he mumbled.

At this point he then took me aside and tried to explain why this had to be done. Basically, unless you keep on pestering them, they will deliberately NOT even bother trying to get you a job.
He also let slip that of the 17,500 people registered with them, only 2,000 get jobs from it.
Funny, I don't agree that nearly 90% of the people that apply for Jobs don't actually want them.

To make matters worse, the registration thing I did in October wasn't even finished, they still needed more information that I didn't have on me at the time (And why should I, I'd already registered, or so I'd thought...)

So when I got back to my humble abode, I did a little research. I got in touch with the people that own the workbank, a company called Operagroup. I explained to them exactly what had happened and what the manager told me. They were not impressed.
After giving them some details, they told me a full investigation would be done. They phoned me back later that day to arrange for an appointment next Thursday (23rd of March) with the Operations Director of Operagroup.

If I have my way, Jonathan is getting the sack.

Monday 6 March 2006


The 'Tempting Fate with a Llama' meme:
1. Make an LJ-cut post with "So, having spent 30 minutes naked under a llama..." as the text.
2. Do not select a 'mood' for this post.
3. If anyone clicks the cut, they are to comment and admit to doing so.
4. Anyone who reads this also has to do the same in THEIR journal, thus continuing the neverending llama.

Wednesday 1 March 2006

Post shit to Kushan!!!

Ok, I know one of the dumbest things you can possibly do is put your address on the internet.
Well here it is:

Stephen Donaghy
Flat 22F
Marybone Project Phase 1
L3 2BX
United Kingdom

Since I live in a flat and will be moving out in July, never to return to it again, I'm not bothered if some weirdos get it and send me weird things.
In fact, that's what I WANT people to do: SEND ME STUFF!
I don't care what it is, even a post card, just send me random crap!
And if it's cool, you get on my list of people who get to live when I take over the world.