
Thursday 3 February 2005

To follow up on my last post...

You all know me. Alot of you know me quite well. I'd like to think that most of you like me, or know that I'm a genuine decent person that generally cares a lot about his friends and such.

Read back 2 posts from this. I've continued, much to my regret, the trying to find a decent girl that likes me for obvious reasons. And failed.
Believe me most of them are very nice, friendly, good to talk to etc. etc. people...then...they just reject you because you're not as tall as they would like. Or because once you kissed a guy on the cheek for fun. Or because although you look grreat in ONE photograph and have a really great persoanlity and such, you look bad in a different photograph so thus you get rejected.

It has happened time and time again, none of them will even give me a chance, they're all shallow beyond belief and quite frankly I'm beyond being pissed off with it.
I don't want to turn into some mad sexist pig, far from it, I don't like seeing one person as any better than another, but the way all these woman are treating me isn't giving me much hope.
It's all fine and dandy being friends, but I'm only human, I need more than friendship, everyone does and after the whole thing with Michelle, only the real thing will do. And it's just not happening. Even Nozzy can do better than me for christ's sake.

I'm just fed up from being told I'm not good enough over something superficial. I swear, the next person to say something about my looks or whatever is getting punched in the face. Or at least pointed at in a vaugely threataning manner.

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