
Monday 14 February 2005

A change of heart, Mr Burns style...

You know, I just realised. I'm happy. Despite the fact that certain friend's have all but abandoned me, I'm actually happy.
Admittadly, all of the women in the world that I meet tend to screw me over, I've still had more luck than alot of friend's of mine have had. Speaking of women, certian ones out there whom I once depended on I no longer need...not that I had much choice in the matter, but anyway, as slow and painful a death as a relationship can be, at least that one is coming to an end.
But still life goes on, some things never change. Darkblade still wont speak to me for whatever reason, which is all but pointless now, I tried my best to approach him with emails and such but nothing came of it and now, quite frankly, I don't care. He's still welcome to send me an email or add me back to MSN (, just now it no longer bothers me that he hasn't responded or anything like that at all. Only took 5 months too.
School...yeah...that's so awesome...because I can literally waste away the rest of the year and still get into university with ease.
I'll explain why too.
The one I'm most likely to pick is the one in liverpool, very close to Darkblade and spinkychan which was mr original reason for picking it as a choice, since it'd be good to have friends there. But as fate would have it, that no longer seems a factor, however, the requirement to get into the University to do a course dedicated to designing games is only 180 points.
Here's how the system works:

A - 120 Points
B - 100 Points
C - 80 points
D - 60 Points
E - 40 points

Now remember for ICT I'm almost certain to get an A grade in it, I've never gotton anything less in that subject.
Add in things called "Key skills", like shitty qualifications on the side that the government threw in for some retarded reason. Each is worth 20 points, not all Universities accept them but the one I'm interested in does.
If I so much as get an E in ICT, I get ICT Key skills. 20 points.
Also, if I take the time out to do a shitty portfolio for Numeracy, that'll take like an hour to do, I get another 20 points.

So before I even sit a Biology or Business Exam, I'm almost certain to get 160 points.

Lets also add in the fact that the grades I got at AS level can also contribute, an AS grade in a subject is worth half of an A2 grade. So an A in AS is worth 60 points.
I got a D in Biology and Business last year. That's 60 more points (30 from each).

So to put it simply, as long as I can write my name on the exams in June, I'm sorted for the next 5 years of my life.

So anyway, thanks to that realisation, several hours of WoW (More on that later) a few flirtative text messages and some nice sausage rolls from Morrisons....I'm feeling good.

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