
Thursday 17 February 2005

A friend's 18th....

So it was a friend's 18th today. It was fun. Lots happened. Now I'm going to tell you about it.

Fristly, we went to the pub. Kinda manditory for an 18th. Now, that was mostly uninteresting for you lot, except for one note.
Beside us, was this woman with her 5 year old kid (or thereabouts). Now the kid was on the sugar or something cuz the little bastard was a bit hyper.
At one point, this little kid was about to run into the Kitchen of the pub, his mum quickly turned around and shouted "Johnathon! Spiderman is in there!" to which the kid did an about face and ran away almost crying with fear....
Now why a kid would FEAR spiderman, I do not know, but the next event perhaps might give us some clues.
The little kid continued to run rampant, with the Mother just occationally shouting his name in a vaugely authoritarian way, but at one point when the kid became too much she grabbed him and shouted: "I'LL BURN YOU!".....

Yes...we were....rather worried about that kid.....

Then after a while we all went to a local club. Now at the club was a Hypnotist act. I didn't believe in that stuff before. Now I do.

Also, it was quite possibly the funniest thing I have ever seen in my entire life.
He made several audience members, including a friend of some very amusing things.

The most memorable moment was when he convinced a man that he had a really bad urge to go to the toilet. Unfortunately for him, when he goes to the toilet he'll find a monkey swinging from the roof, throwing shit at him. He will get covered in the shit and believing that the hypnotist was the manager, take out his extreme rage on him (without hitting him of course). And that's exactly what happened. When the guys fingers were clicked, this man got up and ran straight to the toilet without stopping.
A few mins later in the middle of some other part of the show, screams of anger could be heared eminating fromt the back of the hall. Down comes the man with his shirt half pulled off looking very very pissed. Large amounts of swearing ensued. It was damn funny.

And I also took some pictures because I'm a nice guy!

Gaz is my friend (who's 18th it was as a matter of fact)

This was Garry being put into the "trance" along with the rest of them. It seemed to take forever before they were ready, but once they were in it all the guy had to do was say "Sleep" and they'd instantly stop doing whatever it was they were doing.

This was them ready to be...influenced. Whatever he told them to do at this point they did. With extremely amusing consequenses.

All in all it was one of the funniest things I've ever seen in my entire life....

Good shit!

Now onto the next big event of the 18th!

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