
Friday 10 September 2004


2 weeks overdue, I know, but to hell with you all, here's my Update on my time at leeds, with plenty of pictures a go-go, so those of you on piss poor connections, please leave the room now ^_^

First off, arrived at the airport, I was greeted by Sam and Spinkeh and got hugged by both of them...well...Kay hugged me, sam just sorta...dived on top and probably nearly killed her, but no biggie.
We pretty much just spent the rest of that day watching family guy, it was awesoem ^_^
Next day...
It was a 7 and a half hour trip to get to the site, a 7 and a half hour drive that's meant to take like 90mins...but still, we had fun in the car, we ate lots of strawberry laces and sam built a fort.
We left at about noon, got to the site at half 7, took us another 30mins to put up the tent. I say us, when I really mean sam :P
There were lots of people at the site:

See if you can spot the tent we were in :P

That night, since it was pretty dark, we had a lantern thingy. But it wasn't really any good sitting on the ground, so we had to tie it to the top of the tent. But with what?

Strawberry laces aren't just tastey ^_^

Next day the bands were playing, we went to check out the main stage, it's fucking MASSIVE:

Not sure who's playing there, it's either Minus or Thrice.

The Sam and the Kay. Of all the photographs I took, this is actually the only one he's actually vaugely smiling in....

Time for a mystery!
What could this hideous creature be?

Any guesses?
Well here you go!

Methinks the first pic is better :P

Green Day were the highlight of Friday night, in fact, they were the highlight of the whole event.

They even played songs I'd heard before! Awesome!

Later that night, once the bands had finished, they played shawn of the dead in one of the dance tents, so that was also pretty cool.
Someone fell on out tent in the middle of the night and broke it, Sam had to get out and fix it...

Next day was more bands (Obviously), here's Reel Big Fish , one of the better ones:

They were pretty cool.

But the highlight of that day was definately the Darkness, and their random profanity, it was great.
Here are two pictres, what you see is a large screen on the left and the actual stage on the right of each:

Gotta love them ^_^

Dirty Sanchez were there, they were funny, but even my journal isn't sick enough for me to explain what they did.
There was also a Burlesk show by the Suicide girls, that WOULD have been awesome if it wasn't for the fact that every single dirty old man in the place was despirately trying to get a look, so we couldn't see much anything.
It became too much for sam when she starting pouring Carling over her hot naked body....

That night, Sam got a little paranoid due to the tent thing from the night before so he stayed in a different tent nearby with some friends of his and Kay's.

Sam, blatantly having an awesome time....

Kay, blatantly about to punch me.

He wants me.

On sunday was the 5,6,7, 8's!!!!

They're so cute and Japanese! ^_^

They were definately the highlight of the last day.
The white stripes played too, and they played quite well, but they didn't interact with the crowed at all, so it was like listening to a CD while freezing your arse off in the middle of a big field....

Lets try for a smile, Sam!

No that's not very good, lets try harder...

Still not too great, 3rd time lucky maybe?

There we go! Kinda....

Now lets see a REAL expert do it!

And the gold award for Smiliing goes to t3h Spinkeh!

Here's a nice group photograph of all the ones I talked to at some point:

From bottom left to top right: Lauren (Sam's sister), Ryan, Amanda, some other girl, Sam, Me and Honey bear aka Carl

Sam's cat:

Yes, he was great ;)

Well, that's pretty much a summery of it, it was a bast and I had a good time, I hope everyone else had one too.

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