
Saturday 31 July 2004


Go to google image search and search for Yiff (Trust me on this). Look on the second page.
Note: if you don't like that stuff, maybe you shouldn't do it....

Friday 30 July 2004

In YOUR endo

I went out and bought a new headset today. it's the cheapest sterio one I could find, and it's the most comfortable pair of headphones EVER, they're so great ^_^
I went out and bought Warcraft 3 and Neverwinter nights, on reccomendation from spinky. I've played warcraft 3 before, it's one of the few games I actually believe is worth buying/stealing.
I know, I know, I'm not meant to buy games, but fear not, this wont be a regular occurance, I promise.

I also had some fun in Renalert 993 today with Jfk and spinky. As previously stated, it was fun ^_^

Which is better, the possible things this picture could represent, or the timing of Jfk?

Oooo, baby.

I havn't had a chance to play neverwinter nights, but I did just spend the last half hour trying to get the CD key right. For some reason, they decided to print it in like a size 2 font, with a font that has no noticeable difference between D's and 0's, and R's and A's ¬_¬
Oh well, it's installed now, maybe I'll have a chance to actually play it tomorrow...

EDIT: Puss says: "Go to bed"
Night night all

Tuesday 27 July 2004


Chris says:
^ has a job now  
Kushan: Nozzy's family is Ugly, spread the word | SPAM T3H.KITTEH@GMAIL.COM FFS! [30days] says:
what's the job?
Chris says:
moderator and articlist for a forum, IT PAYS TOO!
Kushan: Nozzy's family is Ugly, spread the word | SPAM T3H.KITTEH@GMAIL.COM FFS! [30days] says:
how are they paying you?
Chris says:
internet money

The mind boggles....

Sunday 25 July 2004


I remember the days when  I would stop updating for 2 days and about 7 or 8 people would tell me off. Now the only person that does that is jfk, who ironically updates his LJ like once a month.
Oh well, we'll soon sort that out *picks up  n00b canon* C'mere, Pingu...

Saturday 24 July 2004

Too cool

Am I cool or uncool? [CLICK]
You are Super-Cool!
Woah! Step back - the future's so bright for you it's blinding me! You are the coolest of the cool. Everyone looks up to you as the benchmark for being coooool. The fonze was your grandfather. Any cooler and you'd freeze! WOO it's chilly in here.
Cool quizzes at

heh heh, it's funny because it's true

Tuesday 20 July 2004

*steals from undisclosed source*

What Would You Do If;
I cried:
I asked you to help:
I was becoming suicidal:
I killed myself:
I died from natural causes:
I said I liked you:
I kissed you:
I stole something:
I was hospitalized:
I ran away from home:
I got in a fight and you were there:

What Do You Think About My;
Choice of music:

Would You;
Be my friend:
Be my gf/bf:
Tell me the truth, no matter what:
Lie to make me feel better:
Spread rumors about me:
Keep a secret if I told you one:
Loan me some cash:
Hold my hand:
Take a bullet for me:
Keep in touch:
Try and solve my problems:
Love me:
Do me:

Sunday 18 July 2004

So...about Italy

It was balls
The Pizza and Ice cream was good
but the rest was balls
the bad kind of balls...
I lived on literally JUST Pizza and ice cream for 3 days straight....
onto other matters.....

We have received your order for 1 ticket(s) to:

I r t3h officially going to l33ds! yey for me!
For more Yayness, go look at spinkychan's journal, when she updates it, it'll probably just be filled with w00ts and yeys  ^_^
Go team alpha
I've started playing FF7 again, I get these crazy urges to ever so often,  and it's been about a year or so since I last played it, so if I go offline for like 3 weeks, don't worry, i've just got addicted to it....again....<_<

EDIT: I just realised, I've had my journal for just over a year now, I feel I should celebrate it by sprucing up the layout.
Note the term: Should
Add the term: Wont

Friday 16 July 2004

I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!

Update later, I r l3 tired

the kitty will be back in like 2 hours....awesome ^_^

no more missing teh kitty for jfk :P

Monday 12 July 2004


kushan is going to a disco tonight


he also like the pizza there alot

update by spinky

Saturday 10 July 2004

alrighty another italy update

today was awesome...awesome like 10 million hot dogs

i thought it best to just ignore my mother which was easy....i just stayed away from the hotel bar

i met up with my family and we went an irish bar :D of all places and it was fun because basically me and my cousins just sat around slagging each other off, and mum wasnt there...because she was still drunk, but it was awesome

EDIT - by order of kushan, this entry was written by spinky chan...happy now?

Friday 9 July 2004


Kush is hating Italy
mum is drunk and shouting
Kush is missing everyone
very hot too

Updated by Michelle

Thursday 8 July 2004

So I went out.............

I went out yesterday, it was fun, I got completely hyper on red bull, since I don't drink or do drugs.
Once I'm pepped up on enough Sugar, I'm liable to do anything, such as headbanging, which was fun. Yes, I was indeed headbanging, contrary to common belief, I am not completely socially inept.
Then I came home and avoided a super sugar crash by eating lots of bread before watching spiderman 2, it was hardcore,
Go watch it now, it's great

This is me having fun:

I am having fun, I swear....
Oh and while at work today, I found this:

I'm going to be on a plane going to italy 12 hours from now. The taxi for the bus that goes to the airport will be here in 6 hours time...
It's going to rule!
See y'all in a week!

Wednesday 7 July 2004

Your Mother's face is a subject!

I went out today
More on that story later
Spiderman 2 rules
More on that later as well
Good night.

Monday 5 July 2004

Paydaypaydaypaydaypaydaypayday Mk 2

W00tz0rs, pay day has come again, and this time it was quite the charm with £558.71 ($1,023.08) going into my bank account.
I'd love to say that means I've got a third of my computer budget in one month, but with me leaving for Italy this Friday, plus with me going to Leeds to meet DB ad t3h Spinky next month, there's very little point trying to work out how much I actually have for the thing. Oh well, Christmas at the latest, works out good anyway cuz those fancy Nforce4 motherboards should be out by then. (If you don't know what that is, just nod and say "ooooo")
I've been watching a hell of a lot of Anime recently, Mainly due to me finding a download for most of the episodes of my all time favorite one, Tekkaman Blade (Known as Teknoman in the  western world, but trust me on this, you fucking Americans ruined it, stick to the Subtitled Japanese one). There's a really cool song from the opening of it from the second series which you must hear, get it here .
If you like Rock or Japanese stuff, you'll probably like this.
Hellsing is also great, I completely forgot I had it on my Hard disk, until I came across it today, I've only watched like half of it and it's already uber.
Oh and Nozzy's turned into a Dick, he's changed the password on Molly's accounts just because of what he put himself through¬_¬
God that child never listenes...