
Friday 29 September 2006

To Elaborate on the previous post...

A few days ago, we were all looking at the doors to our rooms. We all had posters except Malachy, who had nothing. His door looked rather bare to say the least.

We thought we'd decorate it to make it look pretty. But with what?
We decided to look inside his room for inspiration. We found lots of things we could stick on his door.

Here's how it turned out:

There's even more crap on it now >_>

A few days later, some time around last night, I figured that I'd abuse someone else's door. This time with the help of Malachy.

Poor Steve ended up being the unfortunate soul that got targeted. Since we'd used all of the available random crap, all that was left was pennies. Lots and lots of pennies.

Here's how it turned out :

Somehow, he didn't find this quite so funny >_>

The rest of us did, though =D

In other news, I found out that my Bank decided to reject the rent payment completely, meaning I'm not actually overdrawn any more. This does mean that Cosmopolitan student housing people will be upset at not having the rent in on time, but they can go and fuck themselves with a big stick for screwing us over with everything else this year.

Tee Hee

Vandalising people's doors is fun.

EDIT: Unless, of course, they get upset about it.

Tuesday 26 September 2006

Just. Fucking. Wonderful.

This morning, I was abruptly woken by a phone call from my bank. Apparently the rent was taken out today. That's about £850. That's approximately £830 more than I had because my student loan is very, very late.
My bank wants proof that I'm getting a student loan. I have no such proof because they haven't sent me anything. The student loan people can't send me any proof because separate departments handle that or something.

So now, Cosmopolitan want the rent. The bank wants to know why I can't pay it and nobody can help me out, not even the Student loan people, who are the ones that put me in this position in the first place.
I've spent like the last 4 hours phoning and running around the place in an attempt to get something sorted out, but to no avail. Perfect.

Friday 22 September 2006

A dedication.

I dedicate this Livejournal post to boobs everywhere.
Big ones, small ones, fat ones, even saggy ones - they've all got their charms.

They're awesome, they're fun to play with, they're comfortable to rest your head on, they're even good to just look at. What more could anyone really ask for than to have and to hold a nice pair of breasts?

So here's to you, boobs, thanks for making life just that extra bit sweeter.

*lifts glass* TO BREASTS!

Thursday 21 September 2006

The solution to eternal happiness.

Having a good wank then telling someone you don't like to unconditionally fuck off the next day makes everything better.

Tuesday 19 September 2006


I think this summer was one of the worst summers I've ever had.
I was bored, depressed and felt generally shitty.

I didn't really want to write about it in case my brother read it and thought it was in some way his fault, because it wasn't.
I had hoped to get a job and work hard over the summer, earn some money, pay off my overdraft. But alas, I waited too long or was just out of luck, as Ipswich had nothing to offer me.
Not only this, but there is nothing to do in Ipswich, it's smaller than even Belfast. So my daily routine consisted of waking up, going on the computer, forgetting to eat half of the time and going to bed, only to repeat it all over again the next day. And the next. And the next. And the next.
After about a month, it didn't even matter what time it was, half of the time I didn't even care, it was like one big never ending day. The only reason I bothered to keep track of what day it was, was because Stargate was aired on a Friday and I didn't want to miss it.
I kept hoping that by the time the summer had ended, that when I got back to uni, it would be better.
I'd see my friends again, I'd have work to do, I'd not be bored. I'd be me again, that confident, cocky little dude that people seem to like for some reason unknown to me.

But so far, that hasn't happened. From the day I got back here, things have just gone steadily downhill.
My friends seem to hardly notice that I'm even here. I sat in the living room for 4 hours the other day and I think I was spoken to twice, maybe 3 times. On Sunday, nobody said a word to me until about 16:00 (4Pm) and even then they were asking if I could get them something. I don't normally mind that, but sometimes it is just nice to be asked how you are before you are asked to do someone a favour.

I don't really blame them, I blame myself. I don't know what's wrong with me. Yesterday some cock decided to invite himself back to our flat after our stupid lecture thing. It was ok for a bit, but we had made plans to go out and buy some things we needed and he started playing yu gi oh with them. We were meant to be leaving at about 4, but we didn't start to leave until 5 because of it while I sat there waiting for people to finish up their games. I even said "make this the last one, ok?" and they all more or less ignored me and I don't know why.
Then as we were just about to leave, the cunt picked a fight with me. I was able to overpower him to an extent and pretty much threw him onto Dee Dee's bed. Fight over, right? No, he decides it'd be a great opportunity to try and kick me in the nuts.
Call me old fashioned, but you just don't do that, especially when you've effectively lost the fight.

What did everyone else do? Those that were paying attention just stood there. Then when they found out about what had happened, all they could do was laugh. While I stood there, in a lot of pain. Groovy.

And this year, Marybone has decided to royally fuck us over with a shitty internet connection. It costs a ridiculous amount of money, at least twice what any proper ISP would charge, it's slow, it's been timing out a lot over the past day or two and has bandwidth caps that are stupidly low. To add insult to injury, it doesn't even allow us to use MSN messenger. We have to use some other shitty client. What's more, a shit load of online games don't work, including just about every C&C game, y'know, the ones I play the most.
So that's fucked me off even more.

Things are just not going well. I just realised that I haven't eaten in two days, so it must be bad as I always forget to eat when I'm feeling depressed.
I don't know what to do, either. I've got that feeling, as if I want to go home. Like when you're on a shitty holiday or something. But I don't know where home is. It's not Ireland, I definitely don't want to go back there. It certainly isn't my brother's place as that didn't help at all. I just feel out of place here, as if I'm missing something important. Or as if I'm just wasting away into nothingness. The dreaded feeling of sheer emptiness is not one I like to have.

But alas, I've put off writing about this for a multitude of reasons. Everyone's gotten so pissy about "emo" people and shit lately, that you can't vent anywhere without someone immediately judging you as some sad excuse for a Goth, with shitty long, dyed hair and the need to cut yourself. I'm none of those things. I'm just depressed. And this is my LJ, I'll write about it if I want, you just don't have to read it.

Sunday 17 September 2006

If you woke up and I was lying in bed next to you, what would be the first thing you do?

If you reply, you have to post this in your lj.

Wednesday 13 September 2006


It's now an estimated 24hours before I leave here and go back to Liverpool.
I can hardly wait to see all of my friends again. And my flat mates especially!

Dee Dee.
Bastard face.

I miss them all.

Sunday 10 September 2006

Posted: 2,898 - Received: 4,923

As of right now, this LJ has received 4,923 comments.  That means there's only 77 comments to go before I hit 5000.

There may be a prize.

Chaela won, despite JFK's best efforts. Good on ya, girl!

Friday 8 September 2006


I read this in the b3ta newsletter and thought it was the best idea I've heard of in years - Zen shopping.

    "I was barred from a supermarket in Croydon
    once. I hate food shopping so I came up with
    a nifty plan to avoid it. I called it "Zen
    Shopping". I'd go into a supermarket and
    lurk in the aisles. Eventually someone would
    abandon their trolley while they went
    running off to get some last-minute item
    they'd forgotten and I'd pounce on their
    trolley and wheel it to a checkout and pay
    for it. A week's shopping done in a few
    minutes. Sadly though I eventually got
    caught by an eagle-eyed manager and was
    banned for life. Apparently they'd had quite
    a few complaints from irate shoppers and had
    been watching for me." (Legless)

I am so doing that some time.

Friday 1 September 2006

An Update...

I just had the best wank ever.
Not trying to be vulgar, it was just that good, I had to tell someone.

I'll make a proper update soon, I promise.

EDIT: I just realised that my brother occasionally reads this. He might not be too happy finding out that I'm frantically masturbating in the room next door while he slept. He was upset enough that I hate his hob-knobs.