
Tuesday 28 February 2006

This was long overdue...

Ok, you remember a couple of weeks back I made a post that never really explained why I was so happy?

Well I think it's time to explain it.

I got a package from two very cool people.
Inside it was some really cool shit.

All this stuff came inside the box:

Lets have a closer look :)

There were a couple of Bears

And of course socks, because socks are amazing:

And a....spoon.....for um...some reason.....

There was also a little mini deck of playing cards, perfect


And I'm guessing because Nicola feels I'm an illiterate tool, she threw in a rather good book:

There was also a....thing....of sorts.......:S

Some Sunglasses to "Protect his eyes from the rain" as they put it:

And a thong, of course:

But by far the best thing is probably this:

It's a cat that meows when you squeeze it! SQUEEEE!!!

It was such a cool box! Nicola and Togey earn their place in Kushans hall of people-who-wont-be-killed-when-he-takes-over-the-world ^_^

I think I look great in my sunglasses:


Wednesday 22 February 2006


I'm officially an Uncle.

On a completely unrelated note,  I'll explain why I was so happy the other day. Later.

Saturday 18 February 2006

If you had me alone...locked up in your house for twenty-four hours and I had to do whatever you wanted me to, what would you do with me? Then repost this in your LJ. You might be surprised with the responses you get.

Friday 17 February 2006

The Cow's revenge!!!

The cow is back and he's not happy. He wants a piece of you this time, better break out the cannon and show him what-for!


Arrow keys  - Movement
Space - fire

Don't let the cow hit you!

P.S. I'll explain what made me so happy soon ;)

Wednesday 15 February 2006

Tuesday 14 February 2006

Happy Valentine's day!

...Or not.
I was actually going to do the typical thing of writing a "Bollocks to Valentine's day" entry, but it seems that several people have got there before me.
Well fuck you, I was psyching myself up for it and you've all went and taken away from what would have been a pretty good rant ¬_¬

Oh well.

I suppose this is as good a time as any to mention that I really can't be arsed looking at most of you for the next week or so. It's nothing personal, I just want to enjoy valentine's day (and a few subsequent days after) the way I'd most prefer - by not having to deal with anyone.

I know a lot of people are going through a lot of stuff right now and that's fair enough, I still need to recover from my own wounds and haven't had a chance to yet. Now is that time.
Feel free to talk to me on MSN or whatever, if I can be bothered talking to you, I'll respond. If not, I'm either not in the mood and having some quality "me time" or I'm actually just not there.
If anyone needs me really REALLY badly, you all know how to contact me but be warned, if you bother me at all in the time specified, I might just block you, hang up, swear at you, whatever. Be warned.

So, until further notice, always remember that Cheese RUINS lives - JUST SAY NO.

Thursday 9 February 2006

Absolute leg end.

BERLIN (Reuters) - Detectives in Germany were dumbstruck after a man they had just booked for burglary walked out of the police station and drove off in one of their cars, authorities said Wednesday.

"It's not just unusual, it's embarrassing," said a spokesman for police in the central town of Eschwege.

Police said the 27-year-old must have pocketed the key of the car during his interrogation. After he was charged and released, officers were stunned to see the man easing out of the station in the unmarked vehicle and immediately gave chase.

Three cars, including the stolen vehicle, were damaged in the ensuing pursuit. It ended with the man's re-arrest.


Monday 6 February 2006

Shall we play a game?

I made this for fun. Think of it as a sign of things to come.

It's called: Kill the Cow!

Opinions welcome!

Ladies and gentlemen, behold!

The guy who made this had to be Irish....

That's right, it's a PC in a whiskey bottle!

Saturday 4 February 2006

Friday 3 February 2006

I'm alive!....I'm alive....

...and very very tired.

I figured I should update to let you all know how I am.
For the most part I'm pretty good, there's no bad blood between me and Carmy and I think we could easily become really good friends, once we've both had a little time to adjust to it.
Speaking of, I should just point out to people that my preferred way of dealing with stuff is to practically shut out the outside world for a few days, maybe even a week or so, until I feel better. Trust me, it DOES work for me and it's nothing to worry about if you don't see me around for a while. I appreciate everyone's concerns and it means a lot to me, but I'll be ok :)

Today was a somewhat eventful day. After the Anime society, I had decided to go home a bit early,at around 11 instead of like 2. I wasn't really in the mood to go out and I needed bread, figured I may as well go to Tesco on the way back.
Dee Dee came with me and ended up going back to my place. At around half 2 in the morning, she got a phone call from her housemates saying that they'd been broken into.
So I walked her back to her place to inspect the damage.
Nothing had been stolen, all that had been done was that a cup had been broken and a hamster was Killed. Nothing major in MY opinion although I'm sure others would disagree.
Either way, I suppose it was kind of lucky that Dee Dee had decided to randomly come to mine or she might have been hurt or something.
Lots of other things have been happening, but right now I'm very very tired. And my spellchecker isn't working (stupid Mozilla update) so I'm unable to properly check this for errors. Deal with it :P