
Tuesday 8 February 2011

Does the PS3 outselling the 360 change anything?

By now, most people interested in this sort of thing will have noticed the news that the PS3 seems poised to outsell the 360 any month now. Allegedly, the PS3 is only about 2 or 3 million units behind the 360 and could overtake it any month now.

This would most certainly be an achievement for Sony and I'm sure someone at Sony HQ will get a nice little bonus and a pat on the back, but almost immediately it'll be business as usual for Sony and I doubt very much that anything will change.

It seems, however, that some people think that this is a bigger deal than it really is. In fact, since the launch of the PS3, some gamers seem oddly obsessed with the idea of the PS3 overtaking the 360. Almost every year there's a spat of articles predicting that sales of the PS3 would overtake the 360 that year, even as far back as 2008 (2009, 2011, 2012).

In the early days of the "console war", I can almost understand the fixation. Looking at previous generations, everyone knows that when one console overtakes another, it tends to go on to be the best console and the one left in the dust often gets discontinued, such as what happened with the PS2 and the Dreamcast. Yet, it has been over 5 years since the 360 launched, it's no longer a "Next-gen" console war, it's just a regular "current-gen" console war and frankly, this war is getting a bit long in the tooth. I have no doubt that the PlayStation 3 will overtake the Xbox 360 at some point, but here's what most people seem to be missing - it wont change anything.

For the sake of argument, lets pretend that the 3million Xbox360's have succumbed to the RROD and that not a single PS3 has died, meaning that right now, sony has sold exactly the same number of PS3's as Microsoft has sold 360's. In fact, lets say Sony has sold 1 additional console and that the PS3 is now in the lead. What happens next?

Something tells me that Activision will still bring out Call of Duty 8 on both consoles, Microsoft will continue selling Kinect and millions of gamers who don't know any better will continue to buy Halo-branded games, overpriced accessories and chat to their mates on live. Indeed, in this scenario, Microsoft still owns 49.999% of the market (Side-note: In the UK, a company is said to have "monopoly power" if it owns just 25% of the market) and any respectable game developer or publisher would be silly to ignore that, especially as by now they've got their development pipelines sorted out to the point that porting from one console to the other takes a lot less time than it used to (And it was worth doing back when the 360 had a 9 million console head start).

A hard, cold fact that a lot of platform-conscious gamers (aka fanboys) tend to ignore is that games these days cost a lot of money to make. A hell of a lot of money, in some cases and the revenue from just one platform isn't going to make that money back. Well, not unless you've got something like Halo on your hands but those uber-successful franchises are few and far between and businesses are all about minimising risk and maximising profits.

"But what about the 360's old hardware limiting games?" I hear you say? Well, the problem once again comes down to money. Making a game that really takes advantage of the 360 costs quite a bit of money. Making one that takes advantage of it and more takes even more money, but when you go beyond those limits, you cut your market in half. That's not exactly economical and sooner or later, your publisher is going to put its foot down and tell you, as a developer, to ship the game by a certain date or else. Despite the claims that the gaming industry is "recession-proof", it's hard to ignore the number of studios that have closed down in recent months:

  • Bizzare Creations

  • FASA

  • Sony Studio Liverpool

  • Midway

  • 3D Realms

  • Ensemble

  • GRIN

  • Free Radical (Now Crytek UK)

  • Factor 5

I could go on and on, but to be honest, it was sad enough noting down some of those names.

You could argue that some of those names brought their own misfortune upon themselves by releasing terrible games (or not releasing anything at all - you know who I'm talking about), but there's too many great names there for them all to have failed due to misfires and poor decisions.

It's almost sad to say, but if you don't have a practically unlimited budget supplied by your first-party publisher, it doesn't make sense to be exclusive any more.

Of course, with all this talk of consoles overtaking other consoles, it's easy to overlook that red herring we call the Wii. By my counts, the Wii has sold something like (roughly) 80million units, compared to the (roughly) 48million PS3's and (roughly) 50million Xbox 360's. But does anyone ever count the Wii? No. "It's not a next-gen console" people cry. In that case, The Move and Kinect are not "next-gen" peripherals, but people still treat them as such. As far as I'm concerned, the Wii is just as Valid at playing the numbers game as any other console. It has sold 30million more units than the 360, yet publishers and developers alike aren't exactly stopping all "HD-development" in favour of it, so what makes anyone thing that the PS3 selling a few hundred thousand, or even a few million, more will change anything?

There's absolutely no reason for anything to change. If the PS3 overtook the 360 a couple of years ago, perhaps things would be different, but this late in the game, both consoles may as well call it a draw and we can start the whole battle all over again with the real next-gen consoles, whenever they may arrive.


  1. Thank you..really informative!!

  2. Thank you..really informative!!

  3. Sony Studio Liverpool is not closed

  4. it's not a draw, the PS3 outsold the 360 every year it's been on the market

    PS3 sold 48 millions worldwide in 4 years
    360 sold 51 millions worldwide in 5 years

    if it wasn't for the year head start the PS3 would be far ahead, since the gap in sales in 3 millions and the PS3 has an average of 12 million sales per year

  5. the ps3 outselling the 360 is not an issue of "oh i told it would outsell it" or "oh ps3 won", for sony to have launched a full year after the 360, and still selling at a higher price, is a huge deal, which means that everyday more people are giving their trust to sony, the people who are buying ps3's now will keep them for a long time, if in 2 years from now, the ps3 is in the lead, sony will have a huge opportunity to make microsoft bite the dust in the next generation, that is not mentioning the humongous chaos that was and still is the RROD, on ly god knows how many people made the switch out of frustration, at one point reported 40% failure rate in the uk. by the time sony launches the new console in lets say 2013, that difference of install base is going to make a huge difference in the launch, i know many gamers will feel very doubtful to buy a XBOX720, lets be honest kinect may be selling now, but what does it do that will translate in the next gen? support for microsoft is good now, and probably will be ok in the next gen, but what about first party? what will they bring? more halo, more fable? more kinect games? microsoft looks very weak for the next gen, what format will they use? blu-ray? there is always in the news a comment by developers vocal about the constrains of dvd, what is microsoft going to do? come up with a new disc format? adopt blu-ray? or do they seriously believe they wont need a physical media for the next gen? the fact is you need too much bandwidth to do that, sony knows that very well, expect another bluray drive in the next ps3, with capacity to read bigger bluray discs, but again what will microsoft do?
    -lower install base
    -a history of faulty hardware
    -a useless kinect hardware (i dont think they will use it in the next gen, and if they do, good luck)
    -very tired first party franchises (not another halo please)
    -no physical media that we know of
    -a brutal amount of sony products still in the market (psp, ps2, ps3, ngp, android phones-tablets)
    -a second platform to compete NGP, where console games can be ported fast to the portable.
    -microsoft will be competing not with ps4, but against ps3 and NGP (not to mention nintendo)
    -sony's expansion to latin-america, eastern europe and for god's sake CHINA)

    it looks very hard for microsoft, that is all i say.

  6. Sony Studio Liverpool work on new project. Not closed,

  7. Uncharted 1 $20 million
    Uncharted 2 $20 million
    Killzone 2 $60 million
    GT5 $60 million
    God of War 3 $44 million
    Total $204

    Kinect (advertising) $500 million

    GTA IV 2 expansion packs timed exclusives $50 million
    Uncharted 1&2 $40 million

    If MS invested all the advertising and DLC money to games even if they didn't look as good as Uncharted 1&2 they could easily open up 5-10 new studios and make 10 games just as fun with that money.

  8. 2011 PS3 core exclusive list

    little big planet 2 (1/18)
    killzone 3 (2/22)
    MLB The Show (3/8)
    yakuza 4 (3/15)
    PS Move Heroes (3/22)
    Motorstorm Apocalypse (4/12)
    Socom 4 (april)
    ICO/SOTC HD collection
    Ratcher and Clank All For One
    Infamous 2
    White Knight Chronicles 2
    Ni No Kuni
    Resistance 3 (9/6)
    Uncharted 3 (11/1)
    The Last Guardian (holidays 2011)
    Twisted Metal (holidays 2011)

    (please note how I'm leaving out games like DC Universe Online, The Agency and Final Fantasy 14 because they're not exclusives because they have PC versions)

    360 2011 core exclusive list

    Gears of War 3 (fall 2011)
    Forza 4

    (in both list the ones with no dates are TBA2011, but at some point they were announced for 2011)

  9. why did you delete my previous comment? all what yoo wrote is render moot when you consider that the only reason that the total sales are close is because the PS3 launched a year later

    otherwise the PS3 would be ahead and the 360 last, but it doesn't matter even with the year head start PS3 will finish ahead of 360 this generation, just like last generation

  10. sony in china

    enough said

  11. LOL, still with the console wars. Everybody knows the Wii has sold the most, everybody knows the Wii has the most shovelware. Everybody already knows. If you want to get into the nitty gritty, research who makes the most profit form their consoles including software and see who comes out on top, come on, do some real research, give us real stats and figures.

    Gamers game, haters flame.

  12. what's interesting is that all the things the 360 owners used to brag about suddenly don't matter anymore when the PS3 surpasses them

    -first LIVE was soo much better, then PSN matched it and kept it free so it's not important

    -first 360 is cheaper, then with RROD you have buy your second or third and keep paying for online, price it's not important

    -first exclusives are everything, then 360 has barely any exclusives left so exclusives don't matter

    -first the 360 has better graphics, then graphics don't matter

    -first 360 has much more sales, now sales don't matter

  13. Nobody is invested enough to care that much. Its a stupid hobby to get overworked about. OF COURSE ITS NOT RELEVANT!!! Its just interesting.

  14. It will not change a thing. Everyone knows xbox live online service is WAY better. Only reason I still have my PS3 is for the blu-ray and some first party titles like Uncharted. Everyone likes to talk sales figures, but why doesnt anyone talk about the fact that all multi-plat games are broke on ps3? They always have some sort of issue and lacking visuals, features etc. So yeah, think you get my point...

  15. I didn't delete your comment, comment moderation was on and I had a broadband issue so wasn't able to approve, sorry!
    I've changed it so now comments are approved by default, I'll just deal with the spam in future =)

  16. tell me which feature makes the 60-dollar-a-year LIVE better than free PSN? and tell me if that feature is enough to justify the price?

    I'm on both and online play, which is all I care about, works just fine on LIVE and PSN, and I actually prefer PSN because there's less people screaming stupid sh*t

    also the fact that you have friends on LIVE and not on PSN doesn't make it better

  17. Xbro Circle Jerk8 February 2011 at 14:39

    The PS3 fanboys are DUMB. NOTHING on the PS3 competes with KINECT.

    Kinect is the definitive gaming device, and the games are out of this world. Kinect + Halo destroys everything.

    Sorry Nintenod Drones and Sony Slaves. Time to abort yourselves.

  18. "millions of gamers who don’t know any better will continue to buy Halo-branded games"


    great article

  19. Will it change anything if the PS3 outsells the 360? From Sony and Microsoft's point of view, no, nothing will change. It's not like 3rd party's will stop making multiplatform games available on the 360 if it's just a couple million units behind.

    However what WILL change is that hopefully the internet will be free of all the mindless, unedcuated, 360 forum trolls who constantly cry and whinge about Sony being in 3rd place. The 360 has no exclusive games, crap graphics, pathetic online, no Blu - Ray player, inferior versions of multi - platform games, a ridiculously high failure rate and about a million other things that prove it's a piece of garbage not worth the money. Yet for some reason mindless 360 drones think they have something to brag about with the 360 having the slight lead in sales due to the year's head start it had.

    It's fairly obvious that internet trolling is the only thing 360 owners have to do with their time (Because it's blatanlty clear that they don't have any exclusive games to keep them occupied) so hopefully, when the PS3 eventually does outsell Microsofts No Exclusives - Box 360 the mindless internet trolls will be so depressed they'll jump off a cliff and leave the internet game forums a happier place.

    So, for those of us who miss the days when you could hold an intelligent debate on videogames without some mutant internet troll screaming "PS3 is in da 3rd place" over and over again, yes, the PS3 outselling the 360 might mean everything.

  20. Just to see microsoft fanboyz in 3rd place and then moving on and buying a PS3 will be hilarious.
