
Tuesday 10 March 2009

I always thought power rangers were gay....

This is a bit old, but what the hell. It surprised me.

How many of you remember Power Rangers?

Yeah, you remember them, don't you?

Do you remember this guy in particular?

Austin St. John, otherwise known as the Red Ranger. Or Jason, depending on how much attention you paid the show.

He played a guy who dressed up in a red spandex suit who went around beating up shitty monsters. Pretty gay, if you ask me. But he gets much gayer.

Getting a little bit gayer, there... don't get much gayer than that...

Ok then. Maybe you do.

Sorry. I just had to tell someone that the Red Ranger loves the Red Ring.

Here's some naked chick to make up for the gay:

Sorry if that's ruined any fond childhood memories or whatever, but hey - at least you got to see some tits.

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