
Friday 16 January 2009

Resident Evil: Degeneration

I just finished watching Resident Evil: Degeneration. Those of you who know me well know that I have nothing but contempt for the Resident Evil films, however this is different. This is a CGI film from Capcom themselves, not Paul "will shit on your franchise for money" fucking Anderson.

And it ROCKS.

It's pretty much how I wanted the Resident Evil film to be - lots of zombies, lots of shooting and a plot that actually comes from the game. The animation is a bit screwy, it's not Disney-quality we're talking, but when you're mowing down Zombies all over the shop, do you care if the jaws look like they're made of play-dough? Ok well, maybe a little.

I should warn you, though, if you're not an old-school Resident Evil fan (As in, you actually liked the first games and not just the fourth one, which to be fair is also pretty awesome), you probably wont get half of the fan pleasing in it. Particularly if you've played Resident Evil 2, you'll love it. I must point out that RE2 is one of THE finest games ever made and if you disagree, you're gay. Or straight. Whatever is the most offensive to you. Oh and you have the bad AIDS.

I should go to bed.

But I wont.

Also, Nip/Tuck is awesome. It's going to fill the void quite nicely once Battlestar Galactica finishes this year. I must point out that BSG is probably the finest TV series ever made, ever. It's better than Star Trek. It's better than Stargate. It's better than you.

I really want to update this more, I need some sort of...incentive to update it. And no, promises of sex if and when I'm somewhere near your vicinity isn't really going to cut it - we both know that will happen regardless as to weather I update this regularly or not ;P

I don't even know who that's directed towards. Maybe it's just you. Maybe it's everyone. Maybe I really should go to bed. But I wont.

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