
Wednesday 26 July 2006

Hmm...once again, I have neglected to update this....

It's not that shag all has happened, I just cannot be bothered to because it's too hot to bother....

Hmm.................I did a poo today.
That is all.

Tuesday 11 July 2006


Alright, so I got my results for my first year at Uni.
Of the 6 modules I did, I passed 5 of them pretty well and failed one of them.
The one I failed was Good ol' PDP, the most useless of them all.
40 is a pass, FYI.
Here's a brief run down of the marks:

cmpma 1014 mark 80 ; 2D Maths
cmpcd 1016 mark 66 ; CGT   <<< The only module directly relating to actual course itself!
cmpcd 1017 mark 54 ; Intro to programming <<< JAVA! (Useless for games)
cmpcy 1003 mark 56 ; Networks
cmpcd 1018 mark 56 ; Web design  << NOTHING TO DO WITH GAMES!
cmpgn 1003 mark 36 ; Personal development << POINTLESS! HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH I.T. AT ALL!

I'm currently taking some anti-allergy pills. I feel all weird. Whhhheeeeeeeeeeeee!

Saturday 8 July 2006 update!

So lets see here. Nothing really exciting happens around here. Ipswich is a small little place, not a lot to see, even less to do. I've spent most of my time here on the PC anyway, I can't even land a Job because the place is so small, they've all been taken.
Oh well.
Went to my brother's fiancé's mother's (aka future mother in law) 50th tonight. It consisted of me and my brother sitting in the corner talking about random shit while everyone else got in a bad mood with each other. It wasn't a bad night as such, it was just a boring one. Not that I'm surprised, I didn't know anyone there all that well and they kept their distance.
Funniest part of the night was at the end when we were packing stuff away and my brother decided he should "liberate" as much spare beer as he could, except he was already pissed so he made a dog's bollocks of it. Tit.

Ah well. Something has been really irritating me lately and I don't mean something on my mind. For about a week or so now, my eyes and arms in particular have been really REALLY itchy and now it's starting to show. Now my eyes are all red and raw, I look like I'm either a junkie or a member of the undead o_0

If it's not cleared up by tomorrow, I might take a picture for giggles and shits.

A recent argument on IRC (with someone else, oddly enough) ended up with me and Sam talking in a civilised manner. As I mentioned before, I think he's finally forgiven me for what I did. At least as far as someone should be forgiven for that kind of thing. I doubt we'll ever be friends again, as much as I'd like that, but at least it's a burden off of my conscience. We can both hate Kay together =D
The guy seems to be doing well for himself, at least as far as I could tell from our brief chat, so I'm happy for him. And I can't really say I'm doing too bad myself, so I guess in the end it all worked out for the better.

Other than that and the fact that it's recently been the hottest I've felt since I went to Italy (and even then it was cool at night), there's not really a lot to report I suppose.

My results for this year at Uni should be out any day now. As soon as I get them, I'll post them here. It's not that big a deal, all I have to do is pass the modules as they don't affect my overall grade at the end of my final year, but it'll still be interesting to see how I've done since I dicked around a lot this year >_>

Well this was a fairly big update, hope that makes up for the lack of them lately o_0

Sunday 2 July 2006


I can't exactly say a lot has happened here.
However, England got put out of the world cup. This makes me happy.

I'll make a real update.....eventually...