
Tuesday 30 November 2004

I have a friend with an interesting talent....

Beware of t3h blurry pic:

What would you say this blue haired, Japanese wannabe, slightly camp...well actually very camp....person can do?

That's right, draw hentai :D
We're gonna lock him in a cupboard for a few years and get him to produce lots of this stuff ^_^
That's the first thing he's ever drawn that's we're gonna keep him at it and see how good he gets.
Beware, there's rumour that the one in current...development...has tenticles..... >_>

Wednesday 24 November 2004

Jizz tastic

Oh my god, I completed Half life 2 today and I was by no means dissapointed at the end, unlike people who played another certain recently released and very much hyped game *cough*Halo 2*cough*.
It's totally awesome, you're playing for ages and ages and ages and right near the end, Valve throws in a kickass surprise.

NOTE: Spoilers in red text
So anyway, you go right up and near the end, the already super d00per kickass Gravity gun gets a hell of an upgrade! It turns into this heavy duty, pickup nearly anything, enemy dissolving deathy ray o' Joy :D :D :D There's nothing quite like the satisfaction you get from running into a group of enemy soldiers bent on your destruction and just beating them all to death with one of their own :D
I mean god I nearly Jizzed my pants when I FIRST got the gun, but NOW....NOW....god...I need tissues....lots and lots of tissues....

Man I'm so glad I actually bought that game. Yes, BOUGHT. As in actually gave Valve the money for it. It was well worth it and luckily the mods are one hell of a kickass bonuis. Don't worry, it's not a new fad, I plan to pirate most games in future and only buy them when I think they've earned it, I just took a gamble on this one and I was right. As usual ^_^
If you've got a semi decent PC (It don't actually take that much to run the game) and £30 to spare, go pick this one up, you wont be dissapointed. Unless you're a Halo fan ..|..

In other news, I'm a complete insomniac :D
I just can't get any sleep at night, until it builds up so much that I end up really drowsy and can't help but fall asleep, which doesn't help school, but meh.
Sometimes I wonder why I even bother going, I seem to spend most of my time in the computer sweet looking at neowin. Oh well.

EDIT: This is post 333. That's half evil.

Friday 19 November 2004

You Are the Individualist


You are sensitive and intuitive, with others and yourself.

You are creative and dreamy... plus dramatic and unpredictable.

You're emotionally honest, real, and easily hurt.

Totally expressive, others always know exactly how you feel.

I love how these things can be so bloody right....

Wednesday 17 November 2004

The gravity gun is the most awesomest, amazingly, Brilliantly, super d00per Kickass thing ever made ever! IT FUCKUNG RULES!!
All of you need to go out and steal/buy a really good PC and a copy of the game just to see this thing in action for yourselves!!!! GO NOW BEFORE I SET DOG ON YOU!!! GO!!!!!!!1111111111111

This Friend's page Raping was brought to you, in part, by Kushan t3h Kitteh.All complaints should be forwarded to Toxin, even though he has nothing to do with it. He's just a bastard.

Tuesday 16 November 2004


Monday 15 November 2004


A quick favour from you all

People, here is a friend of mine:

Tell me if you think if he is in any way attractive. All comments welcome.

Saturday 13 November 2004

Uber rant

It's 6:40am, I'm just home from my formal (Americans would call it a Prom) and I feel like shit. The night was.....a lot of things.
It started off great, the Limmo was schwee, the girls were looking good, it was all good. Then we got there, we got photos taken of us (us being person + date), some free drinks, then the main meal.
Things were going well, I was enjoying it but about halfway through the mean things started to go wrong. A friend of mine, who shall remain namelss due to public access to this LJ and stuff, stormed out of the place. And with good reason, the girl whom he has been with for a long time was royally flirting with a bunch of other guys (whom shall also remain nameless), she fucked off to the toilet and the poor guy said to one of them "Man I'm sick of this, if she's not flirting with him, she's flirting with you". Now the person he said this to took great offence to this and told the guy to fuck off or something and that's when he stormed out. So I go and see what the craic with that is, the guy is pissed at the other guy, I'm trying to calm him down and he's just being bitchy at me so fuck him, I went to the other guy, who was so upset he was in tears. Me and another friend (who has his own tale to tell later) tried to cheer him up, then his date comes out (I say date since they weren't exactly bf and gf at the time...) and says "I want to apologise" so we left them to it. I go and check on him a few mins later and he's still crying, apparently this woman said that she hates him. Hard words since he loves her a lot....
So pretty much the whole way through the formal him and her are arguing, making up, breaking up, making up etc. and to be perfectly honest, it's all her fault, she put the guy through hell by acting like a whore. To make matters worse, she manages to get him to think it's all his problem and that he's being an ass. I see him at the bar a little later, and he's a little happier looking. "I'm buying her a drink to say sorry". WHAT. THE. FUCK.
And it hit me then....he was just like me was like looking in a mirror in time, we're all saying to him that she's not worth it but because he loves her he won't listen. And since I've been there I can understand why.....
Meanwhile, there's another couple, an almost perfect couple. During the formal they were seen hugging and kissing and smiling lots. You know, how it should be...
The guy from that couple was the guy who helped me cheer up the other guy earlier.
I mean those two...they're so great together. Admittadly I don't know them that well, but the fact that they were together for nearly 2 years says a lot. Yes, were....
Later on in the night, they start arguing....
And argue they did. At the afterformal, she slaps him full force in the face. Another girl starts shouting at him and throwing slaps, so he pushes her away, not to hurt her but to stop her from slapping him and shouting at him.
So then the second woman's Formal date "comes to the rescue", ready to beat the shit out of the guy for pushing his date, even though (sinc ehe only met her on the night) he hates her, because he's a man he has to beat the shit out of him to protect her.
Rumour spreads quickly, before long some story about my friend slapping his gf comes to light. Utter bullshit as was later admitted by her, but still it made about 4 other people want to beat the crap out of him.
Where do I stand in all this? I'm trying to keep my friend happy, who just broke up with his gf in a very painfull way, I'm also trying to stop the main guy from knocking his fuck in. And last but not least, I'm running around looking for the gf who issued the slap to get the people to back down.
So pretty much the whole night I spent running around trying to keep people happy, there were lots of people having problems with their relationship that night, those were just the main two, but there I was, trying to get everyone happy, almost without even thinking, it's what friends do, right? Or at least, it's what I do.
And then it hit me. Like a brick. All these people I know, all my friends having bad breakups and shit.....and what did I have? Nothing.....not a sausage. The woman I went to the formal with was just a friend, nothing more, she had her eye on other people. She asked me if that was ok, I said yes, I don't see why my inadiquate nature should prevent her from having fun, but anyway...
Not woman there gave me so much as a second glance. What is with that? I'm not a bad looking guy, I'm not a complete bastard to women like a LOT of the guys there who were getting off with plenty of girls, I don't smoke or drink or do drugs.....
The only thing I put myself way out for other people....
I don't understand that.
The really depressing thing, the main concrete of that proverbial brick.....was that even though all those people were breaking up....was that I was still envious....
What I would give to have that just for a moment....what is it that I'm doing so wrong that prevents this? Anyone of you that know me will know I'm not a bad guy (Sam, I'm not in the mood for any shit so just don't post any snide comments please), I'm a nice guy, I'm there for people, I do everything I can for some people....
So yeah, I'll put up pics tomorrow. It's 7:05 now and I'm Craashing badly since I drank shit loads of red bull to keep me sane and went a little too hyper running around after people, so I'm going to sleep now.

Thursday 11 November 2004

Something I came up with...

"In a perfect world, everyone would have someone to love and to hold and be with. In a perfect world, love would be taken for granted. In a perfect world, the world is not perfect." -Kushan

That isn't meant to be relevant to me or anything, I just thought it up and it made sense ^_^

Monday 8 November 2004

About the MSN thing Toxin started...

Here's the greek alphabet showing which ones I know are taken for sure. The others may be taken too, this is just to keep everyone quiet who keeps asking ME about it instead of toxinv2.



* - Taken
** - Kinda taken because Panther's a n00b
*** - I know it's not a greek letter, but Thomas/sniper12345 doesn't

If you have another one, please inform me or Toxin. Preferably me so I can update this bitch :P

Friday 5 November 2004


JM securities phoned me today....

I'm doing a 36hour shift this weekend >_<

None of you will see me on satuday at all.....

I want to cry.

Thursday 4 November 2004

Star wars Episode 3 teaser trailor!

Just in case some of you want to see this:

More mirrors

I aint holding my breath, but I like the look of this one...