
Tuesday 15 April 2008


SO, how many of you have heard of Uwe Boll?
For those of you who are unaware, he's pretty much the sole reason why games tend to make shitty films, because he's the one that's actually made most of these game films. And they suck. A lot.

Well, someone recently started a petition to get him to stop. Just stop, because nobody likes his films. And he said if it reached 1,000,000 signatures, he'd quit for good.
That was 3 days ago. It's now at 200,000 signatures and counting.

To make matters even funnier, he made this video where he proclaims he's the only genius in the whole industry. He also asked his "fans" to start a counter-petition, that currently has a MASSIVE 3,500 signatures.
He got one thing right, though, Michael Bay is a complete cunt, but that's beside the point.

The point is he's a complete cunt that makes lots of really shitty films that nobody watches and if you've got any sense, you'll sign the petition as well.

Wednesday 9 April 2008

Long, long, long overdue update.

I neglect this LJ far too much these days. Perhaps when Deepest Sender updates to support firefox 3, I'll update more. Until then, here's a little general update on what's been going on with my life.

I no longer work for Telcogames. The company was going bust (not my fault, I swear!) and I had to find new employment. Luckily there's another company in the same building that needed people. The company is making some Wii games at the moment, but they also have PS2 and PS3 dev kits. I'm currently working on a piece of shovelware for the Wii, so look out for that in future ;D

It was my 21st a little under two weeks ago. Yey me.

Also, some of you may have been aware the problem I had with the old landlord from the place I was living at during the summer. Everything was fine until around October when she went a little psycho on me. After a bit of fighting and debate, I finally moved out of there just before Christmas into a much better place. One problem, though - the bitch didn't want to return my £150 deposit. Bitch.
3 months after moving out, I hadn't heard a word from her. I then phoned her up and put the shits up her. She said she'd get back to me. She didn't. A week later I text her asking what's going on. She replies telling me I'm simply not getting my deposit back. Bitch.
I do some research and find out that what she's done is actually quite illegal. I put the shits up her again. She offers me £75. I tell her that's not good enough. She says she'll see me in court.
I go to citizen's advice, they give me a letter to send off to the landlord. I send it. 3 days later I get a cheque in the post for £150. Result!

Word to the wise, folks - don't fuck with the Irish =D

And now for some bad news. How many of you remember Uber? My PC. My baby. Well, Uber has passed on. Sort of.

Uber is alive and well, but I have upgraded to a new system! A bigger system. A faster system. A custom-builT monstrosity that somehow ended up quieter and cooler than Uber.

Here's the specs:
# Processor - Intel Quad Core (That's right, 4 processor cores) Q9300
# Operating System - Vista Ultimate x64 + XP Professional x86 (When I can be arsed installing it)
# Memory - 4096MB DDR2 RAM
# Video Card - nVidia Geforce 9800 GTX
# Hard Disk - 2x 750Gb HDD's (That's right, folks, 1.5Tb of space!)
# Optical - Dual layer 20x DVD+/-RW with Lightscribe
# Network - 10/100/1000 Gigabit Ethernet
# Card Reader - In the post
# Sound - 7.1 + separate 2.0 Channel sound output
# Ports etc. - 8x USB2 ports on the back + 2 more on the front

In case you're unsure just how powerful that is, here's a helpful guide - Vista has it's own benchmarking thingy in it. It rates each component of your PC's performance and gives it a number. 1.0 means it's pretty shit and wont really do much. 5.9 is the maximum and means you pretty much can't do much better. The whole system then gets a rating based on your lowest score. So if you have everything at 5 but one component at 3, your system gets a rating at 3 (theory being that the slowest component will be a bottleneck).

Well, here's the results:

So as you can see, it's a pretty beefy machine. Even Crysis has trouble slowing it down.

And what have I christened this absolute beast?
