
Sunday 25 November 2007

*steals from Liela*

This seemed like a good meme so I thought I'd do it.

You Answer the question, but instead of putting down your answer, you do a google image search with it and pick one of the results from the first page.

1. Age you'll be on your next birthday

2. A place you'd like to travel

3. Your favourite place

4. Your favourite object

5. Favourite food

6. Favourite animal

7. Favourite colour

8. Town where you were born

9. Town where you live

(I'm not putting in any of LFC)

10. Name of a past pet

11. Your nickname/screenname

12. Your first name

13. Your middle name

14. Your last name

Apparently that's Tim Donaghy right there...

15. A bad habit of yours

16. Your first job

17. Your grandmother's name

As a side note, where's number 18???

19. Your major in college

Friday 23 November 2007

Some people just fuck me right off.

I'm aware that I haven't updated in a LONG time and I really should update you all on my situation, but I really need to let off some steam so I'll let you all know that I'm ok, the eviction thing has been dealt with (I still really don't want to live here, though) and that for the moment I'm ok.

However, I did mention that I need to rant and that's EXACTLY what I'm going to do.

Do any of you remember the girl I went out with a couple of years back? Carmy? I'm sure a lot of you do.
Well, obviously things didn't really work out between us and to be honest, I was a bit of an ass to her during the relationship, but after we broke up we stayed friends and I did my best to be there for her when she needed me and quite frankly, I think I went out on a limb on quite a few occasions.
However, something is/was awfully amiss. First, let me fill you in on the evens that happened.

We started going out in 2005, in 2006 it became a bit "off and on" until around April/may time we finally broke up.
Over the summer we talked a bit on MSN, had a bit of a falling out but ultimately became friends by the end of it.

Now I'm going to take a pause at this moment in time, because apparently the space/time continuum went to shit and some sort of...split occurred. Now I've admitted that I wasn't the best boyfriend for her, that much is a given, but I was a good friend to her. She was living close by and was going through some tough times and I did my best to make sure I was there for her. Many a night I'd go to hers at 2 or 3 in the morning, or invite her over just so she wasn't sitting on her own. She didn't have internet access so I made sure she at least got the latest episodes of lost and such and walked her home almost every time she came over. I didn't mind doing any of this and I never expected anything in return.
Nor did I expect her to be a two-faced cow about it.

Some months ago, I discovered that this whole time she was going around telling everyone how much of a "dickhead" I was, about how unfair it was that I was going out on a date and didn't deserve any of it. Yet at the same, exact time she was calling me up regularly for sex! Yes, Sex. This poor, innocent little girl whose confidence I destroyed, who I treated like shit, was messaging me to come up to her place and give her a good fucking on at least a weekly basis! Sometimes she'd even come to mine after work for a quickie. This went on for months and I was none the wiser that the whole time, she was saying nasty, horrible things about me "Dickhead Steve" was my nickname for oh so many LJ posts. Yet the only times I ever really seen her was either when I was fucking her or hugging her because she was in tears for either missing her family or falling out with her best friend, warren (I even know the guys name, see I listen!). I mean, what more did she want?

This continues on into early 2007 until I finally convince her to make a move on a guy called mark, someone she's had a crush on for quite some time. The result? He feels the same way and to this day they're still together.
And to this day she still says shit about me in her LJ.

She she gets this boyfriend of her dreams and all of a sudden becomes a lot less needy. Oh and I forgot to mention, around January time her Macbook breaks and since she had a lot of work to do, I lent her my laptop. Once again, going out of my way to be kind to her. And once again, it's not enough and I get slated for it, somehow.

I found out about this months and months and months ago and confronted her on it. It all comes out, apparently something I said to her over a year ago at this point (so around March 2006) completely ripped her apart and she's never forgiven me for it. Of course, that didn't stop her booty calling me, or getting me to come over to her place at 3am because she's had a shit day and just wants some company. Yet it was enough for her to constantly backstab me and spread shit to all my friends. (I'd like to point out that all of the booty calling stopped well before Nicci and I got together, just FYI)
When I confronted her, needless to say I was hurt. Really hurt. I mean, why wouldn't I be? She didn't seem to care, she seemed to think I deserved all of this. Well, in exchange for keeping quiet about the whole booty calling thing, I asked her to stop and at least make a post explaining that I'm really not such a cunt, as she'd like to make me out to be. Well guess what, despite not having communicated with her in any way, shape or form (or even via proxy) since then, she's still fucking doing it, she's still writing really nasty things about me. Apparently I'm a "Self absorbed, opinionated, egotistical bastard who feeds on peoples insecuirties and will forever be alone". Ouch. You could have at least spelled "insecurities" correctly, love. This was posted only a couple of days ago.
I know she'll probably never read this, I know anyone that does bother to read this probably wont care, but it's here for all to see - Carmel Crook (Or Carmel Brown, she changed her name at one point) is a deceiving, backstabbing little whore that uses people to get what she wants, then pretends to be an emotionally crippled, incredibly sensitive little angel that's had lots of shit thrown at her. Yeah well, don't believe it like I did, she's only going to blame you for it all a few months down the line, when really she was fucked up the day we all first met her.


She's not the only woman giving me grief at the moment and this seems to be a common trend with a lot of women in my life, so perhaps I'll make this a weekly feature. Or perhaps not.

EDIT: Hello people from Carmy's LJ! Before you all go on to post what a nasty, evil person I am, I want you to take a couple of things into consideration first:

1) I'm not responsible for comments on this entry. Naturally the people that post here are my friends and thus biased towards me, just like how you'll be biased towards her. The comments on how she should be killed are NOT serious. I doubt any of you know ques_nova, but those of you who know pang_tong will know that's just his (our) sense of humour.

2) I never make private or filtered entries. Ever. In the 4, nearly 5 years I've had this LJ, I think I've hidden 1 entry and that's it. This is where I come to let off steam, to bitch and rant and make myself feel better. If you just scroll down a bit, you'll see that I don't make entries to start fights with others on LJ, I just rant. My intention here was not to badmouth carmy, but to rant about how twofaced her actions were and to get my side of things out to MY friends (which is what she's been doing on hers) Plus, Carmy hasn't friended me in a long time, how was I to know she'd read it? But none the less, quid pro quo. Hopefully now she'll stop spreading shit about me and just leave the past alone.

3) As I stated in this entry previously, I already confronted her about this in private. All I asked her to do was stop saying nasty things about me in her LJ and to stop trying to convince people that I was a horrible person, I don't think that's too much to ask considering how much I went out of my way for her when she was feeling shitty, but apparently it was.

Take that all however you will.