
Friday 28 September 2007

I forgot to mention....

Today is Pay day.

And now I own a 360.

Long, overdue update!

So, I've finally started my placement at Telco games.
I've been here about a month now and I have to say - IT'S AWESOME!
I get to play with phones all day, eat cake and generally just have a laugh.
One of the things about this company is that in this particular office, there's no real "boss", there's just people that have been here longer than anyone else.
So nobody takes anyone seriously, it's like being out at the pub except nobody's drinking and there's more cake than usual.
Oh yeah, cake. We have cake nearly every single day. And then we have a cake day.
That's right, a cake day. A day for cake.
The hours are super reasonable as well. Essentially, it's from 09:00 to 17:30, but those are mere "guidelines". Not once this week did I come in earlier than 9:25 and today I'm probably going to go home early since it's friday.
I love my Job.

Unfortunately one of the side effects of a 9-5 job is that it pretty much kills your social life during the week, but that didn't stop me going to see Kunt and the gang during the week, which was silly fun. Although no doubt most of you Americans will have absolutely no idea what the fuck he's talking about =P

Things are looking up for ol' Kushy at the moment. Life is good, I've got monies for the first time in years and despite the fact that the potential relationship situation is looking about as promising as Bush's stance on Climate change, I'm not really bothered because I'm happy in more or less all other aspects of my life right now.

Oooo, my Bacon sandwich is arriving now (And yes, I am in work, so technically I'm getting paid to type this and eat food), so if you'll excuse me...

Ahh, life is good.