
Monday 27 August 2007

Free shit

Does anyone in the Liverpool area want 2 free tickets to see Disturbia?
It looks like a pile of shite, so I'm giving them away. Just leave me a message before about 12pm on the 29th and I'll give you the details.

Friday 10 August 2007

Monday 6 August 2007

My internets are bad....

You want I wrut this, my internets are bad!!!

Yeah, so my ISP (Virgin media) decided to take down their network in my area over the weekend. It's only came back (somewhat) tonight and even then it's still completely fucked, getting a top speed here of about 2kb/s.

Nothing works, I don't even know if this entry will get posted because it takes so long to do ANYTHING. It took me 30mins to load my friends page ffs.

On friday I got a new team leader. Beccy. Oh Beccy...beccy, beccy, beccy...right away, I knew I was not going to get on with her. She's one of those people that takes her job VERY seriously. To the point where if you disagree with her about absolutely ANYTHING, she threatens to send you home (unpaid) for having a "negative" attitude.
At the start of the day, she made us knock bungalows. Now, it doesn't take a genius to figure out that bungalows are full of old people. Old people generally don't have money and if they DO have money, they sure as hell don't want to give it to us.
After about an hour or so of knocking and getting nowhere, the entire team (all 3 of us) decide it might be a better idea to go to a different area, preferably some semi-detached houses with a young, working man inside. So we go to Beccy and literally as soon as I open my mouth, she just explodes at me and shouts "Don't you dare give me that kind of attitude, I will send you home, boy!". Fuck you, too, it was only a suggestion.

So we knock and we knock and we knock. And get a measily one sign up by 7pm (you're supposed to have one EACH by this point - minimum). She somehow believes that that shitty 1 sign up somehow proves her right. She then tells us that if we don't get more sign-ups soon, that she will keep us in the SAME area until we DO get sign-ups. We did the rest of the bungalows and got nothing else.  For the last hour and a half, we finally get to knock some semi-detached houses and guess what, we pull out 3 sign ups. Coincidence? My arse.
So Friday is over and I'm glad. Come Monday. Today. At 12:35Pm  I get a call from her. I'm on her team. Again. Joy.
I was actually in the office today contemplating asking to be switched over, but they were busy so I figured I'd just leave it and see how it went.

All day, she did nothing but pick and moan at me. By 7Pm we have a grand total of 0 sign-ups. 0. Then one of our team manages to get one, we all walk past and see him with the form out. "Well done" I think. So a few doors later, I'm waiting for someone to answer and she says to me "Rackshit got one" (seriously, that's his name), "Yeah, I know, I seen-". At this point she interrupts me and abruptly shouts "Seen?! You should be concentrating on knocking on the doors!". Fuck you, too.

About 20mins later I'm walking alongside her to a pub to take a piss. She pulls out a form and starts phoning it through (all team leaders do it, gets it processed quickly and means any mistakes can be quickly corrected). I wonder where this came through, did we get another sign-up? If so, that's great because it puts us on 2. So I ask her "Is that Rackshit's one or is it another?", she snaps at me and shouts "another one?! Certainly not from YOU, it isn't!". Fuck you, too.

Here's another example. We sit down and have a break, we're on 0 sign-up's at this point and she starts asking us what kind of objections we've been getting and suggesting alternatives. I'm sitting facing her and she starts explaining something as an ice cream van drives by. A pretty damn loud one as well, so I could only hear part of what she said. I repeated what I THOUGHT she said and asked her if that's what she meant and she snaps, again, and says "did you not hear what I said or did you decide to make up your own version?" "as a matter of fact, I didn't, the ice cream van drove by and I only caught part of it" "Oh....ok then" "could you repeat what you said?". She looked right at me, obviously heard what I said, then completely ignored me. Fuck you, too.

Her whole attitude towards me just pisses me off. I managed to get one sign up by the end of the night but it was absolutely no thanks to her, all she did was belittle me and take shots at me all day. She's the fucking team leader, their job is to read a map and keep the team motivated, not tear them apart. I'm planning on going into the office tomorrow and telling them straight not to put me with her again.

Her team scores are shit anyway, maybe if I complain loud enough I can get the bitch demoted. That would be funny.

Seriously though, this charity business is shit. I now have nothing but respect for ANYONE who works in it.