
Saturday 1 March 2003

This is just a placeholder

Everyone who doesn't know what Renalert or who ACK is, ignore this post. It wont make any sense.

This is a post made by Sarah, ACK's now EX girlfriend:

I was told to just say this stuff at once...but instead of typing it, I'm going to go back to a journal entry I had made a while ago that pretty much explains everything I had voiced previously. T_T;

"I swear my life is like the effects of a drug. One minute I'm up high in the sky, and the next I'm coming down. The end of my day, the DAY that was going so perfect for me, turned to absolute crap. Why do you ask? Because of the source of most of my anger, aggression and yes...depression.

It started when Jonathan informed me on what he was getting for THREE WEEKS of work. He earns $7.50 an hour, I believe. I may be wrong..but hey..even little chump change shouldn't change this ending figure. I've calculated this...three weeks of work at that pay is 900 dollars. He says he was taxed $125 or so. That would mean $800.00 or so, right? Wrong. He got paid $400.00. He had been telling mom since the first day he got employed, and found out that he wouldn't be getting paid until three weeks, that he'll have around $800.00. And that he'd give mom $400.00. A friendly gesture he called it. No, that is so wrong. For a total of about 3 months he's been unemployed in this house. Be it from Subway or Kroger. Easy monkey jobs that high school kids manage to keep as well as their studies. He OWES us $400 for being so fucking WORTHLESS. So when he tells us his check amount, Mom tells me to ask for most of it. The first thing out of his mouth? "I guess I won't have any money for lunches." A sad thing, yes. People should eat, sure. But when EVERYONE else in the house doesn't get anything but dinner everyday, he's being awfully damned selfish to only want it for himself. He was originally going to just give Mom 200 and then use the rest for lunches. Why you need 200 dollars every two weeks for lunches is beyond me. He must be taking himself out to Olive Garden every lunch period or something.

So after tons of whining and all of that, he hands over the 400, still bitching and moaning about eating. Which right now wasn't even my concern. MY concern was the empty gas tank and needing to take mom and dingus to work today. So I went around begging people for commission money so I could fill the tank. Not free. Commission. I -never- just take money without giving something in return. Jay, being the sweetheart that he can be, commissioned me for a project with enough to fill the tank. (can't thank you enough) And then what does this clown turn around and do? He begs money off his chat room. He got 50 from one shmuck, and 30 or so from another. 80 dollars in total. And what's he gonna do with that? Not give it to the house. That's right. He's spending it on lunches. Now I don't MIND him taking about 20 of that for himself...but fucking EIGHTY?! He could be wise...and you know, a little less selfish, and give it to the house for additional grocery money, make lunches at home and then EVERYONE for once can have a lunch or SOMETHING to eat during the day other than dinner. But no, he doesn't see this logic. He's STILL only looking after himself. Like what he's BEEN doing for the past year that I've known him. Everything has been about his hunger, or his boredom.

No, he couldn't watch me while I had mono and was raging sick and feverish and in need of company. No, that was boring to sit there and talk to me. No, it was boring to keep me company. He had to play counter strike. No, he couldn't make me anything to eat while I was sick or bring me anything to drink, I had to get that myself. Because he never VISITED to see if I needed anything. And to HELL if he could hear me if I needed anything, because he had headphones on. (why am I even bringing this up?) Well it just goes to show how apparently he's the only one in his worthless life. THIS is why we're no more. Oh yes, it's fucking bullshit like this.

So now he's at Walgreens working. Using my pay pal card to feed his face while I sit at home writing this anger-filled letter. Mostly because if I don't let my aggression out somewhere, I'm gonna punch something. I'm not a violent person. I'm generally not an ANGRY person. But I tell you what, you wouldn't fucking recognize me right now.

Last night after our "brawl", he said "don't make me anything for dinner, I might as well get used to not eating around here" The fucking NERVE. My mom's eyeballs were SPINNING. She was ready to kick him out right THEN. She said to me, "tell that man to get his stuff, call his dad, and leave NOW." I had to calm her down and tell her she was being irrational. That we NEEDED money for rent. We still OWE 160 on rent..and his worthless ass was only going to give us 200? GOD. How can someone be so heartless and dumb?

I know that some of you reading this are his friends. I know it probably HURTS to see this. But you don't LIVE with this leech. You don't deal with the things I deal with. You don't see the sides of him that aren't his personality online. So you don't fucking KNOW. So before you go bitching me out about how he's a self-less saint, READ THIS. At least five times...

I'm seriously DONE. I want him gone NOW. If he's going to call ME selfish for wanting to give this family money for not just groceries..but gas, he needs to go. I'm about ready to say "Oh, you need a ride to work? Well it'll take five bucks for the gas. So fork that over. Oh you want dinner too? I guess you'll have to buy that yourself." If he's only going to look out for himself, then he's going to pay for himself. That includes use of the internet. Use of -everything-. He's fucking LUCKY to only have to pay 400 for the stuff he gets. For the months he's been unemployed and leeching off my hard working mother. Why he keeps ANYTHING for himself when we're all struggling is beyond me. He's seen me do countless commissions and IMMEDIATELY send that money straight to my mother. All those commissions you guys have given me? I never see a dime. So THANK you..very much, for helping us survive the leech. And just know that he gets some of your money, to fucking sit on his ass and eat. EVERY DIME I've earned has gone to this house. The ONLY times I've ever spent money for myself, was buying a gift for someone else. I bought all the Christmas presents last year. I bought Mikey materials to make a gift for him. Those are the ONLY times I see my money. So I vastly appreciate what you guys do for me. You help us survive. You keep our heads above water while it drags us down like an anchor.

But's only another couple of weeks right? He's supposed to be gone at the end of the month? That's what he claims, but his dad hasn't been returning his calls lately. So who KNOWS what dramatic story is going to come up next. I'm waiting to be kept happy by the next fucking fairy tale told to me. Okay, I think I've vented completely. I think I'm calm for now. So yeah, any problems with him? Anything you wish to tell me? Wish to tell me I'm wrong? Go ahead, fucking say it. Maybe there's SOME saint in him. sleep.gif'

I just honestly can't take this anymore. My mom was in tears last night from the overwhelming stress. It's taken her seven years to get to the pay she has. 15 something an hour. SEVEN YEARS. No one with that pay...or who has worked as hard as she has for as long as she has, should have to suffer. NO ONE like that. I've cried nights because I'm afraid we won't have enough for rent and get kicked out. I'm so afraid everyday that we're going to go under and lose so much. I don't want to be pulled away from people. I don't want my only comforts to be taken away from me. I don't want my house removed up from under's just absolute bullshit. It STUNS me that someone can cost so much. How can ONE person cost so much?!

By the way...I have this filtered so he -can't- see it. Why? Because I really don't need him punching yet ANOTHER hole in the wall. So yeah, thanks. Please spare me.

Sarah, out"

Jonathan is probably going to hate me for the rest of his life and be really hurt. But the things he's said about me...and how he can understand why women get beaten..I just can't take that. Jonathan, that cut me REAL deep. And though I haven't had the opportunity to hear your side, I'm still posting this.. You'd probably lie to me anyway...

I hate doing it. I know it's going to ruin a lot. But for one..these folks have the right to know that we've been broken up since March. Not temporary break..broken -up-. They also have a right to know what happened to their money that was supposed to go to the house, and didn't.

Perhaps this is an opportunity for you to get on your feet and clear your name with hard work. Maybe it's best to get away from this community for a while. However you take this...Just know perhaps in the end it is for your best interests.

I just don't like being lied about. You said yourself you hate it when people lie. And then you turn around and do it...

I can't really type much more..this is starting to really really hurt...